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Submission Guidelines
What’s changed: We have updated our Asset Store Submission Guidelines to reference our Asset Store Content Policy. Please review the full text of the updated Asset Store Submission Guidelines carefully.
This guide informs new and existing publishers about what is expected of products submitted to the Unity Asset Store for technical compatibility. To ensure that content meets a consistent standard, the Asset Store team checks your incoming submissions against these guidelines during your product’s review. If your product is rejected, you need to fix any issues mentioned in the rejection before re-submitting your product. While the Asset Store team intends the review process to catch and inform you of all the reasons why your product has been rejected, more issues might be found in your product even if your resubmission has addressed all the initial issues. The Asset Store team will not provide suggestions for features, design aspects, or further development of packages. If you have received a rejection, you can reply to the rejection email, for example, if you are not sure about the communicated issue or disagree with the rejection. Our Asset Store Terms and Asset Store Content Policy outlines other restrictions for Assets submitted to the Unity Asset Store.
In rare instances, even if your submission has gone through multiple resubmissions, some products might be deemed unfit for the Unity Asset Store. If you have any issues regarding your submission, package, or publisher account, please open a support ticket.
1. Content Restrictions
1.1 General
1.1.a Content submitted is professionally designed, constructed, and suitable for use in a professional development pipeline. The marketing presentation, visual quality of the content, and functional quality of the content are also subject to review.
1.1.b The submission does not directly recreate a popular game’s design, art style or aesthetic, and is not a compilation of found content/products with no significant added value from the publisher. The submission is also not the direct result of public tutorials.
1.1.c Submissions made with AI-aided generation tools have significant value and usability in a professional development pipeline. Submissions might be rejected if they contain anatomical errors that reduce the usability of the asset, resemble third-party and/or copyrighted work, plagiarize the art products of other Asset Store publishers, or do not provide significant value to customers. Content generated with the aid of AI, completely or in part, must transparently disclose this information in the marketing data.
1.1.d No aspect of your publisher profile, product or marketing content directly promotes other marketplaces or digital stores. Links in your publisher profile or packages do not lead directly to other marketplaces.
1.1.e Packages do not throw any errors or warnings that originate from package content after setup is complete. Handled exceptions, or errors and warnings that have no effect on the usability of the package, or errors and warnings that are due to Unity engine bugs, are acceptable; such cases are transparently and completely disclosed in the package's marketing data and documentation, with explanations or workarounds explained where applicable.
1.1.f Assets with dependencies from the Unity Package Manager only include the necessary packages for the asset to work. Packages with unnecessary dependencies are rejected. Packages that depend on UPM packages, but do not include them, list the dependencies in the package description and documentation.
1.1.g Your product’s title, category, description, keywords, folders, scripts, and documentation do not contain an excessive amount of spelling or grammar mistakes. Text is readable and reasonably understandable.
1.1.h Titles, categories, keywords, folders, and file names are a relevant representation of your product. Packages with misleading or irrelevant marketing data or unrecognizable folder and file names are rejected.
1.1.i Titles, descriptions, keywords, documentation, and code comments are in English. Localized versions of all of these types of text in other languages can be included secondarily.
1.1.j Submissions are not more than 6GB in size.
1.1.k Submissions to the 3D, 2D, VFX, Animation, and Template categories include demo scenes that showcase the package's content. Tool submissions that manipulate external assets (for example audio files, texture files, mesh files) include sample assets for demonstration. These assets can be incorporated into submitted products for demonstration purposes.
1.1.l Packages are rejected if they include potentially non-secure content, such as proxy servers, handling of sensitive or identifying information, unsafe code, or other areas of an asset where safety cannot be reasonably guaranteed.
1.1.m Publication on the Asset Store is not guaranteed and is contingent on the Asset Store Content Operations team’s approval of each asset, in Unity’s sole discretion.
1.2 Legal
1.2.a Content does not violate the Asset Store Provider Agreement or the Unity Website & Communities Additional Terms.
1.2.b You understand and agree to the Unity Copyright Policy, as updated from time to time.
1.2.c You are solely responsible for ensuring that you have all necessary rights to distribute your content on the Asset Store and for end users rightfully to use that content and distribute it as part of a Licensed Product. This means that you are either the owner of all such necessary rights or you have a valid license from the rightsholder.
1.2.d Your submission includes a Third-Party Notices text file listing fonts, audio, and other third-party components with dependent licenses. You are responsible for ensuring that dependent licenses are compatible with the Asset Store EULA and include a license file detailing the component that it is covering. The product description on the Asset Store also contains a notice stating the third-party software licensing included in the package. For example:
"Asset uses [name of component] under [name of license]; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details."
1.2.e Submissions do not contain dependent licenses that require a product to maintain open-sourced or limited usability in commercial products such as GNU/GPL Mozilla Public License, or any Creative Commons/Apache 2.0 license that requires attribution.
1.2.f You understand and agree to the Guidelines for Using Unity Trademarks, as updated from time to time. In addition, you understand and agree not to use the wordmark "Unity" in a way that would imply Unity’s sponsorship or affiliation. You may not use “Unity” in the domain name or email address for your assets.
1.2.g Your submission does not use unlicensed names, trademarks (registered or unregistered), or branded content in your submission, including in images, names, keywords, description text, or publisher profile. Specifically:
- Your submission’s title does not start with a brand name or imply an affiliation with a brand. For example, "Tools for Unity software" is acceptable but "Unity Tools" or "Tools 4 Unity" is not.
- Your keywords, title, key images, artwork do not use the names, branding or trademarks of other Asset Store publishers or products in a way that implies affiliation or ownership. Titles can include branding and trademarks in the format outlined in the previous point ("Tools for POLYGON by Synty", "Tools for uMMORPG", etc.).
- Unity rejects or depublishes submissions containing words or images that are confusingly similar, in Unity’s sole discretion, to a third party’s branding or trademarks.
- You understand that you are solely liable for claims arising from your use of unlicensed trademarks or branding on the Asset Store.
1.2.h You agree to distribute your content under the Asset Store EULA. Custom EULAs are not permitted.
1.2.i The primary purpose of your submission is not the creation or registry of non-fungible tokens or other designations of monetary value. Submissions do not contain assets that are non-fungible tokens.
1.2.j Unity reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject or depublish inaccurate, harmful, defamatory, racist, harassing, or offensive content.
1.2.k You understand and agree that you are solely responsible to Unity and to end users for ensuring that your submission and, if accepted, the distribution of your submission on the Asset Store remain in compliance with the Asset Store Provider Agreement, the Unity Copyright Policy, the Guidelines for Using Unity Trademarks, and applicable law.
1.3 Versions of Unity
1.3.a New assets use Unity version 2021.3 or newer versions. Already published assets receive updates starting with Unity version 2019.4 or newer versions.
1.3.b If you are unable to make your package compatible across Unity versions, you can upload your package using multiple versions of Unity. Alternatively, you can provide reasoning why an asset is not compatible with a specific version of Unity within the description text. For example:
“Due to a bug in Unity 2021.1.4f1, [this asset or aspect of the asset] will not work.”
1.4 Restrictive Content and Lite products
1.4.a Submissions do not include any digital rights management (DRM), time restrictions, or functionality that restricts users from directly using content or features to their full extent, including registration, sign up, or paying extra costs (such as having a subscription-based payment system). Functionally necessary or third-party limitations, such as API throttling, are an exception, but they are disclosed transparently in the package description.
1.4.b Packages do not include watermarks or otherwise obstruct the use of the product.
1.4.c Submissions do not have any artificial limits implemented on functionality or usability. You can provide a "lite" (smaller/cheaper/indie/free) version of your package with fewer features compared with the full product, provided that each included feature has identical functionality to your main product.
1.5 Applications and Services
1.5.a Until further notice, the Asset Store is not accepting any submissions that include executables (for example, .exe, .apk, or other executables), embedded inside the package or as separate dependencies located in other websites.
1.5.b Packages that include functionality that interacts with third-party APIs clearly describe how the API keys are stored within the package. Third-party API keys are not stored in ways that would incorporate the key into project builds (for example, inside any script or GameObject that would be included in a scene). Terms of API usage are clearly and transparently portrayed or linked in the package marketing data and content.
1.5.c If you are an online service such as a monetization service, ad-network, back-end hosting service, analytics system, decentralization solution (including Web3 technology), or other service where a variable amount of money changes hands after the user downloads your SDK or plugin, register your product as an Asset Store Service for it to be distributed on the Unity Asset Store.
2. Product Specifications
2.1 Organization
2.1.a Packages are nested under one "root" folder. Exceptions include assets in the folders outlined in the Special Folders and Script Compilation Order documentation (for example, "Gizmos" or "Editor Default Resources").
2.1.b Assets are sorted into appropriate folders. Folders are named depending on the type of assets they contain (for example, “Mesh”, “Script”, or “Material”). Packages do not have a large range of file types included under a singular folder, or a range of the same file types in unrelated folders. Package content is sorted by type (all meshes in one "Mesh" folder, all materials in one "Materials" folder, and so on) or by relationship (a folder called "Creature" containing meshes, materials, textures that apply to the Creature character, and so on)
2.1.c Packages do not contain any duplicate, unusable, or redundant files.
2.1.d Content is not included in any folder named "AssetStoreTools" or any variation of that name, because that folder is automatically removed when your content is uploaded.
2.1.e File names are not excessively lengthened. File paths for assets are under 140 characters.
2.1.f Multiple submissions by one publisher containing largely identical content to already published packages are rejected. Updates to published submissions are not contained in separate package drafts, unless a Major Upgrade system is set up. Packages that are similar in content, but aimed at different render pipelines, are exempt from this rule.
2.1.g Package bundles contain the entirety of the marketed content, or the Lite Edition system of Upgrades is set up for each published package that the bundle contains. For more information on how bundles are constructed, please visit this page. (Access to the publisher forum required: access is available via a survey form received in the acceptance email when your first asset is published.)
2.1.h Resubmitting previously rejected content without modification as an attempt to circumvent the vetting process is not allowed and might warrant publisher account termination. This applies to resubmissions via the same draft as well as resubmissions of the same content in different drafts.
2.2 Compressed Files
2.2.a Submissions do not contain .unitypackage or archive files that obscure most of, or the entirety of, the content.
2.2.b .unitypackage files are acceptable for including setup preferences, settings, supplemental files for other Asset Store products, or alternative render pipeline content.
2.2.c .zip files are acceptable if they are compressing files that do not natively function in the Unity Editor (for example, Blender, HTML Documentation, or Visual Studio Projects.) Such files include "source" in the file name (for example, "Blender_source", "PSDSource", etc.)
2.3 Documentation
2.3.a Usable documentation is provided locally if your product requires setup and usage information. This local documentation can include links to online documentation. More extensive documentation of your product can be found online, within in-Editor-tutorials, inline documentation with commented code, or tooltips.
2.3.b Documentation files use .txt, .pdf, .html, .md, or .rtf file types.
2.3.c Video documentation or tutorials are not included in your product. Use online services such as YouTube or Vimeo to host video documentation.
2.3.d Shader documentation fully describes each shader property.
2.4 Art
2.4.a Mesh assets are either .fbx, .dae, .abc, or .obj file types.
2.4.b All visible meshes have a paired set of textures and/or materials assigned to them. A corresponding prefab is also set up with variations of textures/meshes/materials.
2.4.c Large environments and models with many distinct geometries are broken up into individual meshes.
2.4.d Prefabs have their position/rotation set to 0, and their scale set to 1. Meshes have their positive Z axis facing forward.
2.4.e Meshes are at a 1 unit : 1 meter scale.
2.4.f All meshes have a local pivot point positioned at the bottom center of the GameObject, in the same corner of any modular objects, or where the object would logically pivot/rotate/animate.
2.4.g Before submission, photoscanned data is retopologized and optimized to a state that users can edit if needed.
2.4.h Assets do not have an unreasonably excessive mesh density or topology that can inhibit mesh deformation quality.
2.4.i Models marked as "Static" have colliders assigned to them. Colliders fit the model's size.
2.4.j Models with level of detail (LOD) meshes have prefabs that contain an LOD Group component with all of the LOD meshes set up.
2.4.k Rigged 3D models have anatomically accurate or otherwise reasonable and smooth weight painting.
2.4.l Base characters or avatars that are completely nude are marketed and presented in a neutral pose and rendered in a realistic style for medical or educational purposes.
2.4.m Models or images do not contain genitalia.
2.4.1 Animations
2.4.1.a Character models are weighted to an accompanying rig. The rig is either set up with Unity’s Mecanim system or includes your own animations.
2.4.1.b When set to animations, rigs do not show any obvious creases or unusual deformations.
2.4.1.c Bipedal (humanoid) characters are correctly mapped with Unity’s default “Humanoid” rig or include their own generic animations, provided that this is transparently disclosed in the marketing data.
2.4.1.d Assets of non-bipedal (generic) animations include a demonstration mesh with a fully documented rig breakdown so that users can create meshes designed for the animations.
2.4.1.e Animations are sliced and named prior to submission so that submissions do not contain a single, long animation clip.
2.4.1.f Submissions do not include unprocessed, unsliced, or reasonably unusable animations developed from motion capture (mocap) data.
2.4.1.g Animations have fluid movement without any jarring transitions.
2.4.1.h Animation asset submissions have a video demonstration in their marketing material, showcasing the included animations.
2.4.2 Sprites and Particles
2.4.2.a Sprite sheets are imported with the “Sprite” import settings, correctly sliced and named.
2.4.2.b Sprite animations are spliced, named, and set up as proper clips.
2.4.2.c Particle systems are saved as prefabs.
2.4.3 Textures, Materials and GUI Packs
2.4.3.a Image files are in a lossless compression format such as .png, .tga, .psb or .psd. Exceptions are assets in the Tools, Add-Ons, Audio, and Templates categories.
2.4.3.b Packages using physically based rendering (PBR) include at least one texture map (as a separate or packed map) from the following list: albedo, normal, metallic (or specular), or smoothness (or roughness).
2.4.3.c Tileable textures tile without any seams or obvious edges.
2.4.3.d Textures and materials are optimized and usable.
2.4.3.e Maps with an alpha channel are paired with a shader that can read that channel. Materials are paired with a shader that supports backface rendering where backface culling produces visible mesh holes.
2.4.3.f Normal maps are marked as a “Normal Map” in the import settings.
2.4.3.g .sbsar files and other procedural materials have documentation or a demo scene showcasing their parameters.
2.4.3.h Dimensions of textures have pixel counts that are a power of 2 when appropriate.
2.4.3.i Materials include all appropriate textures and are properly set up.
2.4.3.j GUI components have their elements separated and named either before import or through the Unity Editor’s Sprite Editor settings.
2.5 Scripts
2.5.a Scripts include namespaces within which all named entities and identifiers are declared. You can find more information about namespaces in Microsoft's C# documentation.
2.5.b Assets that support Android build target 64-bit architecture.
2.5.c Submissions do not contain script files in unsupported programming languages.
2.5.d Script files should be editable, readable and easily modifiable or built-upon by customers. Packages that include unreadable, hard-to-modify code might be rejected. Obfuscating code that is not intended to be modified is acceptable.
2.5.1 Editor Tools
2.5.1.a File menus are placed under an existing menu, such as "Window/<PackageName>". If no existing menus are a good fit, they are placed under a custom menu called "Tools".
2.5.1.b Undo operations are supported. Refer to the Unity documentation for information about Undo support.
2.5.1.c Unique windows are for practical support, technical or informative purposes (such as supplying the user with documentation), functionality, or guidance. Unique windows are not solely for marketing purposes or information not directly associated with the product.
2.5.1.d Submissions that use a server-based plugin automatically populate any new databases with necessary tables.
2.6 Essentials and Templates
2.6.a Essentials and Template projects are designed as instructional, tutorial, or framework products.
2.6.b Essentials and Template projects have visual content or functionality displayed in a demo scene.
2.6.c Documentation includes in-depth information about how the project is designed and how users can edit and expand on your project.
2.6.d VR-compatible Templates must support 6-DoF (Full VR).
2.7 Audio
2.7.a All audio asset submissions include a preview in the artwork section.
2.7.b Audio files are clear and audible. Audio tracks do not exceed -0.3 dB on peak meters.
2.7.c Audio products under the Audio or Templates category use a lossless file format such as .wav. Submissions do not contain files in .mp3 or .ogg format, unless they are submitted together with the included lossless files or are used for demonstration purposes in Tools and Add-ons categories.
2.7.d SFX audio files do not contain background noise and are sliced into units.
3. Product Marketing
3.1 Description
3.1.a Description text accurately covers all important aspects or key features of your product, including dependencies, intended functionality and requirements for use of the asset. Any limitations, which are not reasonably expected, and influence the usability of the asset, are clearly and transparently disclosed in the marketing data; failure to disclose features and limitations transparently might warrant a refund and deprecation of the package.
3.1.b Description text for art assets lists the number of unique assets or asset types included in your product. Technical details, such as the audio sample rate, bit depth, 3D model polygon count, texture/sprite dimensions, supported render pipelines and types of texture maps included for each asset are also provided.
3.1.c All description text is formatted properly with .html tags. The product description is not a single block of text. If you are publishing using publisher.assetstore.unity3d.com, use these formatting tags to make the description easy to read and understand:
Line break
<a href="website"> Text </a>
<strong> Text </strong>
<em> Text </em>
Text in the newer version of the publisher portal (https://publisher.unity.com/) is automatically formatted and HTML tags are not required.
3.1.d All hyperlinks are relevant and lead to active, non-malicious sites and not direct downloads. No hyperlinks include redirect links.
3.1.e Description text only relates to the content of the package. It does not promote any other products unless they are an extension of your product, directly compatible with your product, or required for your product to function.
3.1.f Submissions do not promote any “special offers” (for example, free Asset Store content voucher for buying a package or leaving a review, try before you buy), including special codes distributed via third-party platforms, such as Discord. Asset Upgrades are acceptable.
3.2 Marketing Images
3.2.a Key images (icon, card and cover images) clearly and accurately portray the content of the package. Key images do not have text that is considered a description of features of the package. Text in key images is allowed to be incorporated as an ornamental element, such as a screenshot of code. Key images can include high-quality imagery of the package content, or modern, minimalistic designs focused on the package title, publisher name and logo. Overlay text does not obscure the content being portrayed. You can use text in key images for publisher name, asset title, brand logo, and short tagline.
3.2.b Key images and screenshots do not include any sale related graphics (for example, "50% off", "Sale", "Free"), banners, or attempts to recreate any official Asset Store sale promotional graphics.
3.2.c Screenshots are included in your submission.