LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get a $300+ bundle of top art and tools for JUST $1!

Unity Asset Store 2024 version

Humble Bundle redemption

For instructions on how to redeem your Humble Bundle voucher, please click "Redeem voucher" below. Your assets will appear under "My Assets" once they have been added to your account. If you are unable to see any per-seat asset after redeeming, please click "Assign seats" below.
  • Step 1

    If you have a Unity ID, please sign into your Unity account. If you don't have a Unity ID, click the link below to create one.
  • Step 2

    Click "Redeem code" below and enter the product code provided by Humble Bundle. One code will activate all of the content included in the bundle. If you have multiple codes, repeat this step.
  • Step 3

    Once you redeem the code, select which organization you’d like to assign your licenses, and accept the terms. If you are unsure which organization you generally use with the Asset Store, visit the store, and view the organization listed in the top right. This is the organization you are currently using on the Asset Store.
  • Step 1

    Sign into your Unity ID.
  • Step 2

    Click "Organizations" and select the organization associated with your asset purchase.
  • Step 3

    Click "Asset management."
  • Step 4

    Assign yourself the seats to these assets.

More resources

  • New to Unity?

    Check out these top picks for new users of all skill levels.
  • Find something fantastic

    Fulfill your destiny with top quality fantasy assets and tools.
  • Top New Assets

    Find the latest and greatest releases and see what all the buzz is about.
  • This Microgame Template is a classic 2D platform game that you can mod and make your own. Check out the Creative Mods to tweak the project and add your own levels, while learning the basics of Unity.
  • FPS Microgame

    The FPS Microgame Template is a 3D First Person Shooter game that you can mod and customize. Complete the Creative Mods to build on the project and make it more your own, while learning the basics of Unity.
  • Karting Microgame

    The Karting Microgame Template is a 3D kart racing game that you can customize even further. Follow along to continue building on top of your project and make it more your own, while learning the basics of Unity.