Unity Asset Store
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Asset Store Terms of Service and EULA FAQ

Q: Does Unity own the assets on the Asset Store?

A: No. Unity owns assets that are published by Unity. However, the vast majority of assets and tools on the store are published by third parties. When you download those third-party assets, you are obtaining a license directly from the asset’s publisher.


Q: Where can I find the license agreement for the asset I want to buy?

A: Asset Store publishers must use the Asset Store’s standard End User License Agreement (“EULA”), except in special cases where the publisher has been carefully vetted and signed a partnership agreement with Unity allowing them to use a non-standard license. (Read more about our Verified Solutions Partner page here.)  

Q: How do I know whether the asset I’m looking at has a non-standard EULA?

A: It will be labeled “Non-standard” on the Asset Store product page, like this:

Some assets are also marked as “Restricted Assets,” typically because they include open source components that restrict distribution. If the asset you are looking at does not say “Restricted Asset” or list a non-standard EULA, the standard EULA applies.

For questions about a custom EULA, please reach out to the publisher’s customer support team.

Q: Can I modify assets?

A: If you license an SDK from the Asset Store under the standard EULa, you may not modify it without the publisher's consent. You are free to modify non-SDK assets.

Q: Can I distribute assets from the Asset Store?

A: Only to the extent that assets are embedded or incorporated into a game or digital product (“Licensed Product” for short):

  • Contains a substantial amount of original creative work developed or licensed from outside the Asset Store.
  • Has a purpose, features, and function beyond the distribution of assets.
  • A product is not “incorporated” into the Licensed Product if it is designed to allow your end users to extract or download assets separately from the Licensed Product.

You may use SDK assets to develop the Licensed Product, but your Licensed Product cannot include SDK assets at run-time without the publisher’s permission.

Q: Can my Licensed Product be designed to enable its end users to make their own games or digital products, similar to Roblox?

A: No, unless you have obtained separate permission from the asset’s publisher. 

Our publisher community requires the opportunity to negotiate separate, fair pricing and terms for this type of Licensed Product.  

You are always free to reach out to the publisher directly to negotiate additional rights. If your organization is looking for this type of license from more than five publishers at a time, you may also reach out to Unity here for more information.


Q: Can I use the asset commercially?

A: Yes. As long as the asset is embedded and integrated into your game (or other digital product) and you have obtained the appropriate number of licenses, commercial use and noncommercial use are both fine. 


Q: How do I know how many or what type of licenses to buy?

A: If the license type is “Extension,” it means that you should buy a seat for each person who will need to use or modify the asset in development.

  • Otherwise, you will have a choice between “single” and “multi-entity” licenses.  
  • Purchase the multi-entity license if you want to share the license with independent contractors working on your projects or co-workers who work for different corporate affiliates.  
  • If you are an individual, or if everyone on your team works for the same legal company, the single entity license.

If I buy a multi-entity license, will that cover my development team and my customer?

  • No. “Multi-entity” means the asset can be shared among subsidiaries, affiliate companies, or independent contractors that your team is supervising. Unless you are performing work for a subsidiary of the company that bought the original license, you should purchase - or advise your customer to purchase - the appropriate number of licenses in your customer’s name.


Q: Does Unity have any special rights to assets on the Asset Store?

A: Unity can use assets for administrative and demonstration purposes in connection with the operation and marketing of the Unity Asset Store and Unity's other products. For all other uses, Unity is treated the same way as any other user downloading assets from the Asset Store.

For more information, you can review the agreement between Unity and third-party publishers here.

* Legal Disclaimer The information contained in this FAQ is provided to you “AS IS” and does not constitute legal advice. Unity makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this FAQ.
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