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Compatible up to Unity 2019.4 (excluding LWRP/SRP)

MatcapPBR is complete solution to achieve the metallic look. This shader method is not a dynamic system, it provides a fake look as well as a color changing option that the user can determine and change. Highly customizable to suit your art direction through various parameters. This package focuses on providing cheap metallic look, as well as a artistic freedom.
This shader pack is versatile enough to work great and mobile optimizated-not exhausting the GPU. It works SRP and LWRP.

Features :
* Mobile ready
* Easy to use and flexible
* Customizable color
* Simple and advanced versions
* Indistinguishable metallic appearance

* AntiqueLibrary Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* Castle Interior Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* ChristmasNight Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* DramaticMuseum Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* HagiaSopiaInterior Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* CapLakeForest Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* MetropolCloudCity Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* NatureRiverCity Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* NightCastle Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* PianoRoom Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* YellowFlowers Matcap Textures (18 pieces - 256x256 resolution)
* 10 Extra Irregular Matcap Textures
* 3 Demo Scene that show how it looks

* Simple PBRMatcap TintColor
* Simple PBRMatcap LerpColor
* Simple PBRMatcap BlendTintColor
* Simple PBRMatcap BlendLerpColor
* Advanced PBRMatcap TintColor
* Advenced PBRMatcap LerpColor
* Advanced PBRMatcap BlendTintColor
* Advanced PBRMatcap BlendLerpColor

Where to use this shader: mobile games, RTS, top down, isometric, puzzle games, 3d games.

Matcap Fake PBR Shader System

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File size
29.9 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jul 10, 2020
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