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Run Desired Scene is a very powerful and easy to use tool that allows you to start playing from any scene without opening it.

After exiting play mode, you will return to the scenes open for editing.


  • Select any scene in the project, and start playing from that scene on every run.
  • Start playing from any scene in the project without opening it.
  • After exiting play mode, you will return to the scenes open for editing.
  • Load any scenes from Build Settings additively at startup.
  • Convenient scene filter with CamelHumps support.
  • Add scenes to favorites for quick access to them.
  • Recent scenes.
  • Open scenes without using the project window.
  • Ability to hide unused scenes.
  • Can be used from Unity Editor 2019.3 to Unity 6.
  • Integration with Ultimate Editor Enhancer.
  • Built-in update system.


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Run Desired Scene

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File size
905.4 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Nov 5, 2024
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