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What is Object Pooling?
Instantiating GameObjects is a really heavy task for the CPU, and that's why object pooling exists.
Object pooling is a technique utilized to create a "pool" of inactive objects, like this when you need to actually use the object, you fetch it from the pool and use it; and when you're done with it you deactivate it instead of destroying it. Object pooling is not so simple to implement efficiently, since it can be made in so many different ways.
What is Instant Pooling?
Instant Pooling is the do-it-all tool for any use case, both 2D and 3D.
Instant Pooling is an easy to use and highly optimized object pooling utility. With the use of a few clicks you can get your object pools working in no time, thanks to the really simple and intuitive Inspector GUI.
Just use PoolManager.GetObject("pool name here") to fetch an object from one of the pools and the tool will take care of any inconvenience, informing you about any error in the usage of the tool. You can create and handle a huge amount of object pools with extreme ease.
Object pools can also be individually set to "dynamic", which lets the object pool expand automatically when you request an object while there are no objects present within the pool that are available. In addition, all the object pools are neatly organized within 'master parent' game objects (automatically handled by this tool), so the object pools will never clutter up your Hierarchy.

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Instant Pooling

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5 years ago
Snello e semplicissimo da integrare!
Il plugin viene fornito con una scena di test e tutto l'occorrente per capirne il funzionamento (veramente semplice e ben fatto). In meno di 10 minuti...
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License type
Extension Asset
File size
48.8 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jun 7, 2022
Original Unity version
2018.3.0 or higher
Quality assets
Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Community support
Supported by 100,000+ forum members