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Particles & Effects
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Want to play with fire? Convert any object, vegetation or skinned mesh into a flammable object. Ignite, spread, extinguish or let your flames burn out naturally.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity Version
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

Supported pipelines (full support):

- URP & HDRP (With Visual effects graph 7.3.1+)

Tested to work on Unity 6 URP/HDRP.

Supported pipelines (partial support):

- Built-in RP (With Visual effects graph 7.6.0-7.7.1 and 10.2.0+, you need to downgrade to 10.2.0 or 7.3.1 with newer Unity Editor versions, Not working on Editor 2021.2.6+). Unity versions 2019.4-2021.2.6 Only.


Ignis - Ignite, Spread, Extinguish, Customize! All-around flame system.

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Check out Magio - Interactive Effects Engine


Want to play with fire? If yes, then Ignis is just the right tool for you. With Ignis you can convert any object, vegetation or skinned mesh with bones to a flammable object and it will automatically catch flame. The flames can then spread, ignite other objects, be extinguished by particles or raycast or be burnt out naturally. Ignis - Interactive Fire System is designed to be easy and fast to use.

Ignis comes with a suite of customization options. For example, if your object is not fully wooden or you want only some parts to burn, do not worry: you can easily set up your object to flame up exactly the way you want it to.


☑️ Easy setup! Just click "Convert to flammable" from the object menu and your object is converted automatically.

☑️ Custom flames! Customize color, length, burn time, liveliness, smoke and more.

☑️ Supports solid 3D-objects, vegetation and animated objects with bones!

☑️ Customization/automation exactly the amount you need! Use automatic and fast setup for your flammable object or customize to your needs. Customization options include for example: Global Illumination, SFX, flammable areas and re-ignition.

☑️ 8 Fire VFX styles! Choose just the right style of flame for your game. You can also customize and create your own flame with Visual Effects Graph.

☑️ Interaction with fire! Use your own particles or raycast to ignite or extinguish the fire. Fire will also automatically interact with wind.

☑️ Custom triggers and event callbacks! Example use cases: Explode a barrel after burning it for 5 seconds, destroy structures or damage player.

☑️ Great performance! Ignis uses Unity's VFX graph to simulate particles on GPU lightning fast!

☑️ Sample scenes for URP/HDRP/Standard RP!

☑️ Open code/graphs! All the code is done with C# and graphs are made with Unity's graph editor, so you can customize them exactly to your needs.

Compability can be added manually with:

☑️ Almost any shader by just telling correct shader parameter names in one setting/scriptable object.

☑️ Interaction with almost any weapon/usable object by using one script. Scripts: Raycast Ignite, Raycast Extinguish, Particle Ignite, Particle Extinguish. For example add Raycast ignite to your area effect (molotov etc.) or Particle Extinguish to your water particle system and they will interact immediately!

💰 Permanent Upgrades/Discounts:

- Magio owners get a (-60%) discount of Ignis (Price: $20)

- Ignis owners get a (-$50) discount of Magio (Price: $50)

Technical details

Tutorials & Support

Supported Unity Versions (URP & HDRP):

▪ Unity 2019.3+

Supported Unity Versions (Built-in RP):

▪ Unity 2019.3-2021.2.6

Required packages:

▪ URP/HDRP -> Visual Effects Graph 7.3.1+

▪ Built-in RP -> Visual Effects Graph 7.3.1-7.4.1 or 8.0.0-10.2.0

Supported pipelines:

- URP & HDRP (With Visual effects graph 7.3.1+)

- Built-in RP (With Visual effects graph 7.6.0-7.7.1 and 10.2.0+, you need to downgrade to 10.2.0 or 7.3.1 with newer Unity Editor / Unity Editor LTS versions) on Unity editor versions Unity 2019.3-2021.2.6.

Supports many kinds of objects:

Solid object


▪ Trees

▪ Skinned Mesh

Includes open source scripts:

- Flammable object + customizations and extensions for it.

- Editor helper scripts

Includes open source 9 Fire Visual Effects Graphs:

  • Legacy (Original vfx with high particle count). Legacy flame from when Ignis was launched.
  • Legacy Lightweight. Lightweight version of legacy flame.
  • Lively. Formerly known as Lightweight textured. Produces a slow moving lively flame.
  • Wild. The default VFX. Most suitable for burning objects without controlled environment/airflow.
  • Gentle. Most Suitable for stylized games using fire as a calming element.
  • Simple. Traditional low particle count campfire looking VFX.
  • Old school. This flame spawns flames as flipbooks. You can easily replace the default flipbook with your own in VFX graph. Navigate to the output node of the flame system.
  • Only Smoke. Root of this smoke is coloured faking the fire burning. Meant for large fires seen from far away where you cannot see the flame particles.
  • Custom. Build your own flame! Sticky notes inside the VFX graph

Integrated with:

The Vegetation Engine

HQ FPS Animated Weapons Vol.1

Nature Manufacture Environments (E.g. Forest)

Unity Terrain Tree Instances

Vegetation Studio Pro

▪ Limited Vegetation Studio non-pro via runtime prefab spawner (See User Guide for more info)

Compability can be added manually with:

☑️ Almost any shader by just telling correct shader parameter names in one setting/scriptable object.

☑️ Interaction with almost any weapon/usable object by using one script. Scripts: Raycast Ignite, Raycast Extinguish, Particle Ignite, Particle Extinguish. For example add Raycast ignite to your area effect (molotov etc.) or Particle Extinguish to your water particle system and they will interact immediately!

Supported Build Platforms:

Full support:

- High-End Platforms (PC, Xbox, PS4 etc.)

▪ Limited Support:

- Ignis does not yet officially support Android and iOS platforms, since Unity's Visual Effects Graph is not yet out of preview for mobile platforms. Ignis can work on your hardware (e.g. is reported to work on Oculus Quest 1 and 2 with Vulkan), but is to be used at your own risk. Visual effects graph is known to have problems on certain GPUs.

No Support:

- WebGL

Limitations and notices:

▪ Post processing effects were used in the videos, Images and demo scenes.

▪ Models and scenes shown in videos not included in the asset. Please check The Vegetation Engine, HQ FPS Animated Weapons vol 1 and Free Fantasy Medieval Houses and Props Pack by EmacEArt for the scenes in videos.

▪ Unity and Visual Effects Graph Alpha and Beta versions not officially supported (might still work).

▪ Unity does not officially support Visual Effects Graph in Built-in RP, but is works on specific versions (Visual Effects Graph 7.3.1-7.4.1 or 8.0.0-10.2.0, until Unity version 2021.2.6), see the FPS Sample demo video above. Currently Visual Effects Graph 10.4.0+ seems not to work in Built-in pipeline. Instructions how to use 10.2.0 in your project included in documentation.

▪ Unity editor 2021.2.6+ not supported for Built-in RP. URP & HDRP are supported for all versions.

Ignis does not yet officially support Android, iOS and WebGL platforms, since Unity's Visual Effects Graph is not yet out of preview for mobile platforms. Ignis can work on your hardware (e.g. is reported to work on Oculus Quest 1 and 2 with Vulkan), but is to be used at your own risk. Visual effects graph is known to have problems on certain GPUs.

Ignis - Interactive Fire - URP/HDRP

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File size
41.9 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Nov 16, 2024
Original Unity version
2019.4.11 or higher
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