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Dinosaur Draconid Pack
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

---------------------------------------Warrior Dragon----------------------------------


------------------------------------------- FEATURES -------------------------------------

  • Original design (noAI).
  • configured materials for all types of conveyor. you only need to go through the saved scenes. (URP, HDRP, Built-in)
  • the project has textures for all conveyors (URP, HDRP, Built-in)
  • modular model
  • 4 sets of unique textures
  • animation;


5x attack

1x death

1x hit

2x idle

1x run

4x Walk

shield and Axe:

7x attack

1x Death

3x idle

1x run

5x Walk

3x Impact

1x rage

1x Jump


1x Agreeing

1x anger

3x attack

2x death

2x disturbance

1x hand wave

2x hit

3x idle

4x Walk

1x look to the side

1x rage

1x run

2x talk

Dinosaur Gladiator - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/humanoids/fantasy/dinosaur-gladiator-288302

Texture set is suitable for all rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) all materials use standard settings.

The set of texture maps itself looks like this: T_AlbedoTransparency, T_SpecularSmoothness, T_Normal, T_Occlusion.

4 sets of unique textures for each armor and body



5x Attack

1x Death

3x idle

1x Impact

1x left Walking

1x Right Walking

1x Run

1x walking back

1x Walk

monster and interaction

1x Agreeing

1x anger

3x Attack

2x Death

2x disturbance

1x hand wave

2x hit

3x idle

1x Run

1x Right Walking

1x Run

1x walking back

1x Walk

1x look to the side

1x rage

2x talk

Dinosaur Knight - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/humanoids/fantasy/dinosaur-knight-287442

Texture set is suitable for all rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) all materials use standard settings.

The set of texture maps itself looks like this: T_AlbedoTransparency, T_SpecularSmoothness, T_Normal, T_Occlusion.

The model consists of 2 sets of unique armor

and 4 sets of unique textures for each armor and body


shield and sword;

7x Attack

1x block

1x Death

3x idle

2x Impact

1x Jump

1x left Walking

1x rage

1x Right Walking

1x Run

1x walking back

2x Walk

Two swords:

5x Attack

1x Death

2x idle

1x Impact

1x Run

1x Right Walking

1x Run

1x walking back

1x Walk

monster and interaction

1x Agreeing

1x anger

3x Attack

2x Death

2x disturbance

1x hand wave

2x hit

3x idle

1x Run

1x Right Walking

1x Run

1x walking back

1x Walk

1x look to the side

1x rage

2x talk

Draconid 2 - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/draconid-2-291842

ersona of a humanoid dragon.

The model consists 5 sets of unique textures

Texture set is suitable for all rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) all materials use standard settings.

The set of texture maps itself looks like this: T_AlbedoTransparency, T_SpecularSmoothness, T_Normal, T_Occlusion.


1x Agreeing

1x anger

3x attack

1x death

1x disturbance

3x flight_attack

2x flight_idle

2x flight_move

1x flight_move_beack

1x flight_move_left

1x flight_move_right

4x idle

1x Jumping

1x Left_Walking

1x Right_Walking

1x run

1x Walk_Back

1x Walking

Draconid 1 - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/humanoids/fantasy/draconid-1-287297

Texture set is suitable for all rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) all materials use standard settings.

The set of texture maps itself looks like this: T_AlbedoTransparency, T_SpecularSmoothness, T_Normal, T_Occlusion.

5 recruitment of unique textures

recruitment of animation;

1x Agreeing

2x agreement

3x anger

3x attack

1x Death

2x disturbance

3x flight_attack

2x flight_idle

2x flight_move

1x flight_move_beack

1x flight_move_left

1x flight_move_right

1x hand wave

2x hit

3x idle

1x look to the side

1x Left_Walking

1x Right_Walking

1x Walk

1x Walk_Back

1x run

Technical details

------------------------------------ short technical description ---------------------------

Rigged: (Yes)

Animated: (Yes)

----------------------------------------- SUPPORT -----------------------------------------

Email: dima.dyl1991@gmail.com

Dinosaur Draconid Pack

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Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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