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Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Package dependencies
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The latest version of the Visual Engine is required for the module to work!

The latest version of Amplify Impostors is required for the impostors baking!

The Visual Engine is a set of high-quality shaders and tools designed to unify 3rd party assets under the same shader system. Enable high-quality wind motion, interaction, seasons, wetness, subsurface, layers, variation, etc. for all assets with Standard, Universal, or HD Render Pipeline!

Amplify Impostors is a modern and flexible impostors authoring tool used to bake high-density geometry to quads while keeping the original shading! Impostors can be moved, rotated, scaled, receive and cast shadows, intersect other objects or impostors, and can be used with LODGroup or any LOD system.

○ Overview

Combine the power of the award-winning shading and unification tools provided by the Visual Engine with the power of the optimized impostors provided by Amplify Impostors! The Amplify Impostors Module includes presets and runtime shaders for perfect baking with Standard, Universal, and HD pipelines, while the seasons, overlay, wetness, wind, and interaction remain dynamic!

○ Compatibility

The Amplify Impostors Module supports the following Render Pipelines:

Standard Render Pipeline 2021.3+

Universal Render Pipeline 2021.3+ / 2022.3+ / 6000.0+

HD Render Pipeline 2021.3+ / 2022.3+ / 6000.0+

The Amplify Impostors Module has integration with the following 3rd party tools:

Amplify Shader Editor - Full shader editing support

Nature Renderer - Procedural Instancing support

Vegetation Studio - Instanced Indirect support

Vegetation Studio Pro - Instanced Indirect support

GPU Instancer - Instanced Indirect support

The Amplify Impostors Module supports the following modules:

The Visual Engine • Terrain Elements Module

○ Features

The Visual Engine systems support: All systems

The Visual Engine elements support: All elements

Realistic Transmission support in Standard RP and URP

Diffusion Profiles Transmission support in HDR

All light types are now supported for Transmission

Deferred and Subsurface shader types support

Amplify Shader Editor support

Basic demo scene included

○ Limitations

🞫 The shaders are not designed for mobile development!

🞫 Oculus Quest and other Mobile-based VR devices are not supported

🞫 HDRP with TAA causes blurry results with impostors

🞫 Lightmap baking with impostors is not supported and is out of scope!

🞫 Only the latest LTS Unity versions are officially supported!

○ Disclaimers

⚑ Due to their nature, impostors are designed to be used as distance LODs. While the baking will match the original shader settings, the lighting will not match perfectly, but it will be quite close to the original!

With the release of the Visual Engine, the Vegetation Engine will not be updated anymore, but it will get critical fixes for a limited time. If you purchased any of the modules and you need older versions compatible with the Vegetation Engine, feel free to contact me!

○ More Assets

The Visual Engine • Unified shaders for any asset

The Visual Engine • Terrain Elements Module

The Visual Engine • Terrain Blanket Module

The Visual Engine • Terrain Shaders Module

Atmospheric Height Fog • Optimized fog for consoles, mobile, and VR

Polyverse Skies • Low poly skybox shaders

Free Skybox Shader • Cubemap Extended shader

The Visual Engine | Amplify Impostors Module

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