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Unity Version | Built-in | URP | HDRP |
2021.3.5f1 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
🎁 This asset is part of the Productivity Tools Bundle. 🎁
This has two main features:
🎯 Virtual Pivot
It introduces a virtual pivot that you can rotate or scale around without needing to re-parent or change your original pivot. It's a complete non-destructive workflow.
Simply press "v" while using the rotate or scale tool and it will pop up. Those of you who know Blender will find it kinda familiar ;-)
🪛 Pivot Editing
You do like your virtual pivot and want it to become the permanent new pivot of your model? No problem. With the click of a button you will get a new model with the pivot at the right position. This supports skinned meshes (with bones) and blend shapes too.
This also works non-destructive, meaing you will get a NEW model in Unity´s .asset format.
Now as an experienced dev you may be worried about what happens if you upgrade your original model. Will you have to redo the pivot positioning? No, you don't. There is a "Refresh" button to sync your model changes (or you enable the automatic on-import check).
🤏 Scale two axis at once
Hold SHIFT while dragging one axis to scale the other two.
(The used key can be changed in the settings.)
✔️ Rotate and scale around any point
Do it without any hierarchy shenanigans (aka parenting).
✔️ Works right there in the Scene View
Implemented as a custom tool that uses all your familiar shortcuts.
(It's shortcut manager compatible.)
✔️ Snapping
Snapping your pivot to a vertex has never been easier.
You can also move the pivot to an arbitrary position in space, no vertices required.
No colliders needed. Snapping works based on the actual mesh.
✔️ Focusing
Press "F" to focus on the pivot.
(The used key can be changed in the settings.)
✔️ Parenting tools
Parent or unparent your objects with a single click.
✔️ Supports Unity 2021, 2022, 2023, Unity 6, ... (LTS)
There is a legacy version with less features (no pivot editing) for Unity 2019 and 2020. Contact support after purchase if you need it.
✔️ Full source code included
I publish this asset with full source code because as a developer I know how annoying it is to not have source code access. If you like it then please remind others to purchase the plugin. Don't just copy and paste it everywhere. Thank you ❤️
Use cases
Here are some of the things I use this for (and why I made it in the first place).
● Align skinned meshes with the environment.
● Imagine importing a third party asset. Then you find out that the pivot is at a random position (think of trees with a pivot on top). Often you need to rotate and scale from somewhere specific (like the bottom). Usually I'd reparent this but for quick iteration it's convenient to use it as is. Especially during prototyping. "No need to clean it up yet. After all it's just a deco."
● Rotating a huge object around one specific position (doesn't have to be a vertex). If you are close to it then the pivot is often off-screen. Now with the cursor you can have the gizmo right in front of you. How convenient!
● Reparenting in the hierarchy is not very nice. With the "create parent" or "extract children" buttons it can be done super quickly. No need to touch the hierarchy window at all.
● Press F to focus on the selected vertex (cursor). Yes, you can press the middle mouse button too but that does not focus the exact vertex.
👇 Things you should know 👇
⚠️ If you are upgrading from the old "Pivot Cursor" tool then please delete the Pivot Cursor tool folders before installing Power Pivot.
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🔑 License Info
This asset requires one license per seat (user who has access to the asset files). If you are a team then please consider buying one seat per Unity user.
Why am I telling you this?
Because most people do not know. In fact any asset found under the Tools category falls under a license type collectively known as Extension Assets(see official license explanation) which differs from the standard (Entity) licenses.
If you have questions about the license then please contact me under office[at]kamgam.com.
Power Pivot - Rotate, Scale, Edit, Snap & Pivot Editor