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Open World Terrain is a solution for creating large terrains and dynamically loading/unloading segments of the terrain and game objects at runtime as the player moves around the terrain.
The tool converts a standard Unity terrain into a set of custom terrain mesh and LOD meshes which are then loaded and unloaded when required.

- Export terrains as mesh segments and dynamically load in terrain segments during runtime.

- Export game objects such as buildings, trees, people and specify at which LOD levels they should be loaded and unloaded.

- Grass and other details such as small rocks and bushes can be rendered efficiently using instanced mesh rendering and frustum culling, utilising compute shaders to dynamically place details onto the terrain at runtime.

- Export terrain textures, splatmaps, and detail maps.

- Automatically combines terrain meshes, textures, and maps into a set of easy to modify segment prefabs. Or use the exported meshes and textures as individual assets.

- Export multiple neighbour terrains in a single scene, or combine terrains from multiple scenes to create huge terrains without needing to edit them in the same scene.

- Control every aspect of the export process to find right balance of detail vs performance for you.

Open World Terrain

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