Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
The asset defaults to the Standard Pipeline and has included installers for URP and HDRP patches (and for reverting back to Standard Pipeline)
InfiniRIVER is the new Fluid based water simulator for Unity by ARTnGAME.
The system can emulate the interaction of water with scene objects in real time using a fluid solver and do so in a global or local way for versatility and cover of all use cases.
ARTnGAME OFFER: Upgrade to the new Environment Building Bundle from InfiniRIVER with a big discount for $89 (versus $460 normal price)!
IMPORTANT !: The system is in lower price for Sky Master ULTIMATE users (more than %50 off), make sure to buy the sky asset first and then upgrade to InfiniRIVER for maximum discount.
InfiniRIVER is in its first release and will be in Beta for some time until all features are fully realized. The base fluid system is production ready and more work on usability and control of the effect will be added in the various Beta stages for more options. For any feedback and questions please use my Discord channel for direct contact.
The system is mainly focused on desktop, mobile use is evaluated and will be added to the features during the Beta, with details on which modes may be used on mobile. Also the system has not been tested in VR, consoles, OpenGL and WebGL.
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