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Sprite Management
Did you haver ever wanted the chance to define an auto tile in a graphics and easy way?
This tool wants to do that.
It will allow you to create and set up the auto tile you need in just frew minutes.
it will allow you to define the bitmask of the auto tils in a very fast and easy way.
You can extract the tile of your set from a bigger image or a sprite sheet, or add them one by one.
You can perform the basic filp horizontal and vertical operations as rotate the tile of 90° step to generate all the variant you need.
Support from 2x2 to 512x512 pixel size.
It will create the auto tile for you and it will create a compat sprite sheet with all the sprite tile.
No need to external tool. Just unity3D native c#.

Really simple to use, just few minutes of work to save a lot of time drawing your map! Draw with auto tiling instead of drawing tile by tile.

Generic Auto Tile Importer

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