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Beamtime is a pair of scripts intending to create dynamic laser beams that interact with each other and the environment.

Want to have your lasers intersect with each other?
Want those intersecting lasers to merge and create a third laser?
Want to have your lasers reflect when hitting colliders?

This script can do all of the above and more!

Works in both 2D and 3D.

Great for lasers, energy beams, plasma beams or any sort of beam you might need! (Yoghurt beam?)

-Simple pooling simple in order to keep the system optimized.
-Lasers interact with 2D and 3D colliders.
-Lasers reflect off of the environment.
-Lasers intersect with each other.
-Lasers combine to create more powerful lasers.
-Reflect by material.
-Passthrough by material.
-Reflect by tag
-Power management.
-Easily accessible variables on each laser.
-No scripts locked in a dll, allowing you to modify the system to suit your needs!
-Sample prefabs, shaders, effects and materials.

Package Contains:
-Example scenes
-Sample laser shader, effects and texture
-Laser script
-Laser System script
-Billboard script
-DestroyFX script
-Extensive documentation


Visit our website for more info - eageramoeba.co.uk/DynamicLasers

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Dynamic Laser/Energy Beam Suite - Beamtime

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