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Level Design
Finix's Maze Generator is a tool designed to generate procedural 3D Mazes in the Editor and at Runtime with a few clicks of a mouse.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

Triplanar shader only works with Built-In pipeline


Full Customization: From simple inspector definitions to a full extendable and documented source-code, this tool gives full control to the user. The user can set-up a maze seed, choose various algorithms to generate the maze and modifiers to add specific properties.

Six different maze generation algorithms: My maze generator comes out of the box with six generation algorithms, these being:

  • Binary Tree
  • Sidewinder
  • Aldous-Broder
  • Wilson's Algorithm
  • Hunt-and-Kill
  • Recursive Backtracker (Depth-First Search)

With the modularity to add your own algorithms.

Fit your mazes to your game design: Beyond the simple generation algorithms there's also the possibility to add Instatiation Modifiers and in the future Data Modifiers. These can constraint and alter your maze layout post-generation and add special tiles to your maze, current modifiers are:

  • Absolute Longest Path Prefab Modifier: Finds the two most points apart that fit the entrance and exit tiles and adds them to the maze.
  • Random Tile Prefab Modifier: Locates all possible places this unique tile can fit and chooses one randomly to place it.
  • And More...

The code allows the user to create their own modifiers to fit their design for the game.

Multiple Instatiation Methods: This tool allows to instatiate your 3D Maze in two different ways:

  • Walls and Pillars: A more simple and universal aproach, this way it simply creates the maze layout, with Pillar and wall objects and allows the user to manually alter the Maze.
  • Prefab based: Allows users to set-up prefabs as a pseudo-tilemap. This way users can set-up special rooms and logic for specific parts of the maze as well as use other store assets to make the maze geometry.

Other Features:

  • Comes with a Triplanar shader for the walls instatiation since they're stretched to fit the maze size.
  • Includes prefab Tiles and Walls template to start prototyping your mazes from the get-go!
  • Print your mazes to a Texture 2D to use as a minimap or save them to a PNG using the Maze Printer components.
Technical details

Finix's 3D Maze Generator

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File size
2.9 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 20, 2024
Original Unity version
2021.3.24 or higher
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