Render Pipelines : Standard RP, URP, HDRP.
Supported dataset :
. DEM Data :
*.Tiff (16-32-64 Bit) + Tilled Tiff + Multi-Bands + GrayScale : GeoTiff Files,
*.Asc : Arc ASCII Grid format,
*.Hgt : Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Data,
*.Flt : Floating Point Raster File,
*.Bil : Band Interleaved by Line (BIL) Image File,
*.Bin : Binary Float point
*.Las : Lidar Point Cloud Format ,
*.Ter : Terragen File,
*.Raw : Unity Heightmap data,
*.Png Grayscale : Grayscale Pixel File ,
. Raster Data : { " *.jpg, *.Png " } .
. Vector Data : { " *.Osm : OpenStreetMap Informations , *.Shp : ESRI Geometry data, *.GPX : GPS Exchange Format " }
*** FEATURES ***
. Generate Unity Terrains;
. Read almost any type of DEM files;
. Read Geo-Refenecing data from GIS Data;
. Ability to Load non Geo-Refeneced DEM's (Like moon surface);
. Ability to Load Underwater (Negative) heightmaps;
. Generate terrains from own custom data (Lidar source, shape files .. etc);
. Automaticlly read Terrain dimensions (From Geo-Refeneced data) or set it manually.
. No more scaling problem, you can set your vector scale and make your terrain as large/small as you want;
. Setting Terrain parameters (Heightmap resolution, detail resolution …) is easy and fast directly from “Terrain preferences” GUI Tab;
. Texturing terrain with any supported raster data.
. “Splat mapping mode” will applying textures to terrain depending on customizable height/Slope;
. Ability to add shaded textures to terrains (Color Ramp, Elevation GrayScale, Slop ..);
. Customize your terrain material for any SRP use;
. Split Terrain to tiles manually or Automaticlly depending to the number of raster tiles existing in the texture folder;
. GTL is able to smooth terrain with unwanted jaggies, terraces, banding and non-smoothed terrain heights and surfaces;
. GTL Is also able to generate 3D Trees, buildings, Grass and Roads ( LineRender/EasyRoad3D) basing on the vector data (ShapeFile or OSM);
. Convert LIDAR Point Cloud (*.Las) files to high-resolution ("float Tiff 32 bit") via Pdal pipeline in order to generate high quality unity terrains.
. Re-project files to geographic coordinate system.
- Ability to load terrain from StreamingAsset folder or from any location in the hard hrive.
- Get and Set Geographic coordinates and elevation [m] of any object/position on the terrain.
- Runtime Demo Scene Included with customized UI Interface.
- Suppport different projections (Geographic Lat-Lon (Decimal, Deg min sec) / UTM (Meter, MGRUTM) /Lambert.
- 3D Camera included;
- Adapted to works with WebGL Platform
*** SUPPORT ***
- Full source code included ;
- Compatible with Unity’s terrain system;
- Easy to use with video & documentation;
- Works with unity 2018,2019,2020,2021;
- Adapted to works with WebGL Platform;
- Active support through emails and forum posts.
API Compatibility Level to .NET 4.x
Scripting Runtime Version to .NET 4.x (Not needed in Unity 2019.2 & later)
This asset uses Third-Party :
- Pdal under Simverge Software LLC License (MIT) (Only For Las File Using);
- LibTiff.Net under License (MIT);
See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.
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