Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
Compatible with / tested with:
- Unity-2021
- Unity-2022
- Unity-2023
Discord: [F4U]
Support forum: http://forum.unity.com/[Flexbox]
Getting Started guide: https://docs.flexbuilder.ninja/
Main site: https://flexbuilder.ninja
-- 2024 version coming soon, price dropped to reflect that; upgrade discounts will be added when 2024 version is live --
Fully supported: Unity-2022, Unity-2021, Unity-2020, Unity-2019
Fully supported once LTS: Unity-2023 (partially supported while Unity-2023 still in beta)
* Fully integrated with UnityUI, giving the best of all worlds: performance, ease-of-use, seamless integration with Unity APIs
* Compare with UIToolkit and UnityUI: https://flexbuilder.ninja/features-comparison/
* Allows "Responsive Design": smart layouts that change automatically across mobile, web, desktop
* Easy migration/upgrade path to UIToolkit in future (both are compatible with Flexbox)
* In-inspector preview + scene-view previews for live WYSIWYG UI editing
* 300 page manual with complete API docs: http://docs.flexbuilder.ninja/
* Online help/support via Discord - https://discord.com/invite/4AkrDgu
Bonus features:
* High-performance layout without having to re-write for UIToolkit
* FIXES Unity's core-Text layout: always good, always correct, without thinking about it
* FIXES: Unity Scrollviews: makes them intelligently auto-resize to handle dynamic content
* A CSS rendering engine, but with the tools to edit and debug your UI directly inside the Editor
* Pre-integrated with: ScrollRect, Button, Text, Image, RawImage, InputField, Slider, etc