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Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

⚠ Important ⚠

This package is included with the purchase of Advanced Spawn System


  • Unity 2022.3.49f1 or higher (LTS version only)
  • Invector FSM AI Template: 1.2.0
  • Invector Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template or Shooter Template: 2.6.4b

Advanced Spawn System For FSM AI And Invector Item provides an easy and powerful solution to all enemy or item spawning needs. It has fully customizable spawn areas with precise obstacle avoidance and even NavMesh spawning!

The Pooling System is a great way to optimize your projects and lower the burden that is placed on the CPU when having to rapidly create and destroy GameObjects. It is good practice in general and helps the CPU handle more important tasks without becoming inundated with repetitive create and destroy calls. This is particularly useful when dealing with bullets in a shooter game.

Occlusion culling

Occlusion culling is a process which prevents Unity from performing rendering calculations for GameObjects that are completely hidden from view (occluded) by other GameObjects.

Every frame, Cameras perform culling operations that examine the Renderers in the Scene and exclude (cull) those that do not need to be drawn. By default, Cameras perform frustum culling, which excludes all Renderers that do not fall within the Camera’s view frustum. However, frustum culling does not check whether a Renderer is occluded by other GameObjects, and so Unity can still waste CPU and GPU time on rendering operations for Renderers that are not visible in the final frame. Occlusion culling stops Unity from performing these wasted operations.


  • Flexible spawn areas
  • Detects when enemies are killed and uses it for wave spawning options (such as when you don't want to spawn more enemies until the current wave has died).
  • Pooling made easy (now with categories to stay organized!)
  • Option to spawn on NavMesh only
  • Disable/enable enemies based on player distance (works for multiple players)
  • Option to only trigger spawning when player is within a custom radius
  • Player radius detection from spawner or separate object
  • Spawn random amounts
  • Nice and clean editor
  • Full C# source code
  • Customizable editor options
  • Procedural AI spawner
  • Supports Terrain Biomes: Unity Terrain and Third-Party Terrains (Gaia and MapMagic 2)
  • Events to let you know when an AI spawns, an AI dies or when a player enters or exits the radius of an AI
  • Supports any character controller system
  • Supports any AI system that supports spawning
  • Supports Unity NavMesh
  • Built-in object pooling system
  • Unlimited Biomes - Supports an unlimited amount of Biomes.
  • Spawn Radius - Customizable spawn radius.
  • Drop Rate (the chance of obtaining a random IA)
  • Spawn by Group - Customizable group numbers allow you to spawn AI in randomized groups based on your input.
  • MultiSystem - You can create different spawn settings and edit them from a single Spawn Manager.
  • Occlusion Culling


  • Unity Terrains
  • Gaia
  • Map Magic
  • Third Person Controller (Invector)
  • FSM AI Template
  • UnityNavMesh

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Advanced Spawn System For FSM AI And Invector Item

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File size
67.1 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Oct 25, 2024
Original Unity version
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