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Advanced Shooter & Melee Third Person Controller
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP


* This Asset already includes all the Basic Locomotion and Melee Combat Templates features.

** This package have a Custom ProjectSettings, it will not overwrite your own at first but you need to import manually to use it.



Invector's Third Person Templates can help bring your game to life with a high-quality humanoid Character Controller that takes minutes to set up, we have a solid and highly customizable template so you can focus on making your game unique.

Beginners will have a great learning curve with several [Tutorials], [Documentation] and the vCommunity to help you out, no scripting skills are necessary to create something cool

Advanced users will enjoy the thousands of features we included and continue to include over the past 6 years of development and support of our assets

Invector's [ Community] gets bigger every day with thousands of registered users and hundreds of daily visitations posting questions, helping each other, or sharing their creations, integrations, and add-ons developed by users

✔️ Official [Add-ons]: Looking for a specific mechanic? We have some cool add-ons!

✔️ NO DLL's: all Scripts are written in C# and open for modifications

✔️ Examples Included: different gameplay styles such as TopDown, 2.5D, Mobile, Point&Click


- Shooter Behavior & Animations (Basic & Melee features already included)

- Projectile bullets with a trail renderer

- Throwing objects with a Trajectory system (grenade, bottles, etc..)

- Optional Melee attacks for Shooter Weapons

- Advanced damage based on distance & velocity

- Decal for projectiles based on tags (different materials)

- Advanced Scope View

- Aiming System with dispersion, range, shot frequency, recoil, etc...

- Particles, Sounds, Custom Bullets to emit on attack

- Archery System included

- Advanced IK Adjustment System based on Weapon/Stance

- Large number of customization to create different types of weapon

- Secondary Shot to create powerful weapons

- Hipfire


- Melee Combat Behavior & Animations (Basic Locomotion features already included)

- Use different MoveSets, Attacks, Defense, HitReaction, and HitRecoil per weapon

- Inventory Example, Collect, Drop and Destroy items

- Simple Melee AI included as a bonus (For advanced AI, check our [FSM AI Template])

- Holder Manager

- Different types of Potions to recovery health or increase health/stamina

- Stamina Combat Based System (optional)

- Lock-On Target System


- Basic Locomotion Behavior and Animations

- Advanced Third Person Camera System

- Sprint, Jump, Crouch, and Roll

- Vault, Climb, or StepUp obstacles

- Generic Action system to trigger simple animations

- Ladder System

- Ragdoll System

- FootStep System

- Several Util scripts to help you develop your game

- Isometric, 2.5D Platformer, TopDown, Mobile demo scenes are included


Invector Third Person Controller - Shooter Template

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2 months ago
Awesome Asset!
I've been looking for this kind of tool, and I found this, now I'm fine with it !
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352.6 MB
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Oct 31, 2024
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Invector Third Person Controller - Shooter Template