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Now includes Real-Time Parameter Commands!

Also includes full multiplayer functionality!

Upgrade pricing available if you own any Master Audio plugin!

Contact us for discounted student, team and site licenses!

Power occlusion features! The audio plugin of choice for high-profile shops Zynga, KingsIsle and more! Supports all platforms!

Videos | Docs | API | Forums | Discord | Unity thread

Master Audio gives you tremendous ease of use, speed, power and flexibility far beyond any contender. Why use another underpowered solution and waste your time writing code? We've coded every scenario from easy to complex so you don't have to! We even have our own flexible "no coding" event-based script to hook sound up if you don't have Playmaker.

Master Audio is the ONLY audio framework for Unity with extensive turnkey multiplayer features! Works with FishNet, Mirror and Photon (PUN, Classic & Photon 2). UNET deprecated package included as well.

:: Real-time Parameter Commands! Cross-fade between different clips, change pitch, apply high pass and low pass filters based on parameter values, including several built-in easy options! Great for car engines, gunfire at various distances, and much more! Endless possibilities.

:: Audio occlusion with many options!

:: True randomized *weighted* sound variations.

:: Mesh / spline audio - position audio source at the closest part of your collider(s) - perfect for rivers and other ambient audio!

:: Many advanced features for categories such as voice limits and time-limited retriggering.

:: Easy Multiplayer! Your dynamic audio will be heard by all players without having to write any extra code. Just check the "Multiplayer Broadcast" checkbox that appears on our super powerful event-based scripts!

:: Save memory! Automatic loading and unloading of audio from Resource files, including dead simple multi-language support!

:: Immersive! Set up multi-layered music with cross-fading or gapless transitions!

:: Saves Time! Mix during real-time play with option to keep those changes when you stop!

:: Easy! Set up per-scene or persistent sounds and soundtracks without writing any code!

:: No Coding Needed! Powerful & flexible event-driven script for no-code control of sounds & playlists!

:: Explosive! Built in per-sound music ducking!

:: Power! Support for Unity Audio Filter FX. A Master Audio exclusive!

:: Fun! Jukebox gives you instant testing control of your playlists!

:: No Instantiating during play! For rock solid performance and super-low allocation on all platforms!

:: Total Control! Fine control via pro audio mixer controls including buses and mute / solo switches!

:: Now includes Bulk Audio Importer for free!

:: 5-star support, just read our reviews!

Supports all export platforms with superb performance for mobile games.

Setup is incredibly fast and easy, just plug and play. Intuitive controls mean fast tweaks and optimal workflow, so you have more time for the important stuff.

3rd Party Integrations:

- Ultimate Character Controller

-First Person Controller

-Third Person Controller

- UFPS: Ultimate FPS




- Settings Menu Creator

- Ultimate Inventory System

- Atavism

- Resonance Audio

- Koreographer

- Adventure Creator

- Salsa LipSync Suite

- Playmaker

- Behavior Designer

- Bolt Visual Scripting

- NodeCanvas

- Dialogue System

- RelationsInspector

- 2D Toolkit

- Doozy UI

- ICode


Works on Unity 2019.4.4+, free and pro!

Get better audio, faster, with Master Audio.

Master Audio 2024: AAA Sound

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5달 전
Best audio solution.
This asset has everything you need for audio, it's the most complete and professional solution on the Asset Store. What else is there to say??
Quality assets
Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
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Supported by 100,000+ forum members
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