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Create settings/options menus in a few clicks. Use automatic or manual workflows and customize everything to make it fit your project's needs. Works in Built-in, URP, and HDRP.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

💡This is the free version of the Settings Menu Creator. Check out the Pro version and available addons for additional features and settings. Get the complete bundle for the best value.

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✔️ Unity 6 Ready

Works in Unity 6.

✔️ Built-in, URP, HDRP

The menus work in all 3 render pipelines.

✔️ Automated & Manual Workflows

Tired of placing the sliders, toggles, dropdowns etc manually, attaching scripts to assign them to the correct setting, updating navigation if you change the order or your settings etc? This is what other assets require you to do. It takes time and is prone to user error. The Settings Menu Creator gives you the option to handle all that for you so you can focus on more important aspects of your menu or game.

✔️ Very Customizable & Versatile

What if you want to replace a dropdown in your menu? In other assets you would have to delete it and place the new one, reassign and set up all the required scripts to make it work again. With the Settings Menu Creator you only have to replace the dropdown reference on a scriptable object and your menu will use the new dropdown. Takes only a second.

✔️ Automatic Navigation Setup

Tired of manually assigning keyboard/controller menu navigation? Let the tool set it up automatically at runtime.

✔️ Old & New Input System Navigation

Menu navigation works for both the old and the new input system.

✔️ No Coding Skills Required

With a scriptable object and prefab based workflow you don’t need any coding skills.

✔️ Reskin Your Menu In Realtime

Change colors, fonts, text size and other variables in real time using a powerful style profile system. The system can also easily be used for any other system too.

✔️ Additional UI Components

Other settings menu assets don’t offer you the most common UI element used in many settings menus: A previous & next selector (horizontal selector). It is a very common UI element in console games but also used very frequently in PC games. To make the creation of the most common settings menu layouts and styles several additional components, including a tab menu, UI panel system and a dropdown with autoscroll are included.

✔️ Automatic & Manual Saving/Loading

Choose between automatic or manual saving and loading.

✔️️ UGUI & UI Toolkit

Both UI systems are supported, however they do not have the same depth of customizability due to their difference in workflows (UGUI is prefab based, UI Toolkit is UMXL/USS based). The UI Toolkit aspect is considered BETA since UI Toolkit has not been labeled production ready for runtime usage for that long and it is getting updated regularly.

✔️ Full Source Code Included

Want to extend the tool? Go for it!

✔️ Integrations with third party assets & packages

All integrations can be imported from the dedicated integrations window. The assets themselves are NOT included! For support beyond the integration please contact the asset developers.

⚠️ May not work correctly in Unity 2022.1 due to UI Toolkit being rather broken in that version. Using LTS versions is advised.

⚠️ Does not work in Unity versions 2023.2.0f1 - 2023.2.6f1 due to an incompatibility of the text mesh pro dependency and Unity's reorganizing of text mesh pro into another package. Please update to at least version 2023.2.7f1 if you are using any of those versions. Using LTS versions is advised.

⚠️ May not work correctly in Unity 2023 due to Unity bugs related to the inspector updating. It could happen that things like adding a setting to the list is not immediately shown unless the project is saved or setting details are not shown at all. Since Unity 2023 is not considered an official version I recommend updating to Unity 6 instead.

⚠️If you get the error 'Failed to create folder structure:' while importing you might have to update your project to a newer minor version of the one you are currently using. This is due to a Unity bug that is present in some early versions of each major version but is fixed later. For example 2022.3.8 has this issue but it is fixed in 2022.3.10.


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✉️ Contact

If you have any feedback, suggestions or need help, feel free to contact me:


Settings & Options Menu Creator

193 users have favourite this asset
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33.6 MB
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Latest release date
Feb 5, 2025
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