I Have included
.Wav - for Quality (44.1khz 24bit)
Filename Description
Afraid 1 the sound a creature makes when it is afraid
Afraid 2 the sound a creature makes when it is afraid
Agro 1 The sound when a player gets into agro range of the creature
Agro 2 The sound when a player gets into agro range of the creature
Attack Grunt 1 The sound a creatures makes when attacking
Attack Grunt 2 The sound a creatures makes when attacking
Attack Grunt 3 The sound a creatures makes when attacking
Attack Grunt 4 The sound a creatures makes when attacking
Battle Cry 1 a Battle Cry of the creature
Battle Cry 2 a Battle Cry of the creature
Battle Cry 3 a Battle Cry of the creature
Breath Fast Creature Breathing Fast
Death 1 Death vocalization of creature
Death 2 Death vocalization of creature
Death 3 Death vocalization of creature
Death 4 Death vocalization of creature
Eating 1 The sound of eating
Eating 2 The sound of eating
Fast Wand Swipe 1 magical wand whoosh
Fast Wand Swipe 2 magical wand whoosh
Fast Wand Swipe 3 magical wand whoosh
Fast Wand Swipe 4 magical wand whoosh
Grass Step 1 Step on grass
Grass Step 2 Step on grass
Grass Step 3 Step on grass
Grass Step 4 Step on grass
Grass Step 5 Step on grass
Grass Step 6 Step on grass
Grass Step 7 Step on grass
Grass Step 8 Step on grass
Idle 1 The sound of creature idleing (Not doing anything)
Idle 2 The sound of creature idleing (Not doing anything)
Laugh 1 Creature laughing
Laugh 2 Creature laughing
Laugh 3 Creature laughing
Laugh 4 Creature laughing
Long Shout 1 Long shout from creature
Loose Rock Step 1 Step on rocks
Loose Rock Step 2 Step on rocks
Loose Rock Step 3 Step on rocks
Loose Rock Step 4 Step on rocks
Loose Rock Step 5 Step on rocks
Loose Rock Step 6 Step on rocks
Loose Rock Step 7 Step on rocks
Loose Rock Step 8 Step on rocks
Magic 1 Magic sound effect from wand
Magic 2 Magic sound effect from wand
Magic 3 Magic sound effect from wand
Magic 4 Magic sound effect from wand
Magic Cast 1 Magic sound effect from wand
Magic Cast 2 Magic sound effect from wand
Magic Cast 3 Magic sound effect from wand
Magic Cast 4 Magic sound effect from wand
Out Of Breath Fast The sound of creature that is out of breath
Out Of Breath The sound of creature that is out of breath
Pain Long 1 Creature in pain long grunt
Pain Long 2 Creature in pain long grunt
Rock Step 1 The sound of a step on rock
Rock Step 2 The sound of a step on rock
Rock Step 3 The sound of a step on rock
Rock Step 4 The sound of a step on rock
Rock Step 5 The sound of a step on rock
Rock Step 6 The sound of a step on rock
Rock Step 7 The sound of a step on rock
Rock Step 8 The sound of a step on rock
Sadness 1 Crying
Sadness 2 Crying
Short Grunt 1 (being hit) The sound of a creature being hit
Short Grunt 2 (being hit) The sound of a creature being hit
Short Grunt Being Hit 3 The sound of a creature being hit
Short Grunt Being Hit 4 The sound of a creature being hit
Short Grunt Performing a Action 1 The sound of a creature performing an action like jumping
Short Grunt Performing a Action 2 The sound of a creature performing an action like jumping
Short Grunt Performing a Action 3 The sound of a creature performing an action like jumping
Short Grunt Performing a Action 4 The sound of a creature performing an action like jumping
Shout 1 a Shout
Shout 2 a Shout
Shout 3 a Shout
Shout 4 a Shout
Slow Wand Swipe 1 Wand swipe slow
Slow Wand Swipe 2 Wand swipe slow
Slow Wand Swipe 3 Wand swipe slow
Slow Wand Swipe 4 Wand swipe slow
Snow Step 1 Step in snow crunching
Snow Step 2 Step in snow crunching
Snow Step 3 Step in snow crunching
Snow Step 4 Step in snow crunching
Snow Step 5 Step in snow crunching
Snow Step 6 Step in snow crunching
Snow Step 7 Step in snow crunching
Snow Step 8 Step in snow crunching
Step 1 Core step that needs to be layered with material
Step 2 Core step that needs to be layered with material
Step 3 Core step that needs to be layered with material
Step 4 Core step that needs to be layered with material
Step 5 Core step that needs to be layered with material
Step 6 Core step that needs to be layered with material
Step 7 Core step that needs to be layered with material
Step 8 Core step that needs to be layered with material
Strain 1 The sound of creature struggeling with something
Strain 2 The sound of creature struggeling with something
Water Step 1 The sound of a creature stepping in water
Water Step 2 The sound of a creature stepping in water
Water Step 3 The sound of a creature stepping in water
Water Step 4 The sound of a creature stepping in water
Water Step 5 The sound of a creature stepping in water
Water Step 6 The sound of a creature stepping in water
Water Step 7 The sound of a creature stepping in water
Water Step 8 The sound of a creature stepping in water
Wings 1 The sound of wings flapping that should be layered with other sounds
Wings 2 The sound of wings flapping that should be layered with other sounds
Wings Short 1 The sound of wings flapping that should be layered with other sounds
Wings Short 2 The sound of wings flapping that should be layered with other sounds
Wings Short 3 The sound of wings flapping that should be layered with other sounds
Yawn 1 Yawning
Yawn 2 Yawning