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Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible

Shiny SSR adds beautiful screen space reflections to your scenes in real-time making them more realistic.

This bundle contains 2 packages optimized for each rendering pipeline:

- Shiny SSR for Built-in pipeline.

- Shiny SSR for URP (Universal Rendering Pipeline).

Both packages offer the same functionality and support forward and deferred rendering path.

Demo: Windows | Mac | Android

** Key Features **

Shiny SSR allows you to control reflections intensity from a global slider while also allowing a high level of customization, including advanced options such as:

- Contact hardening makes near reflections sharper while you can customize distance based fuzziness and decay levels.

- Physically based reflections in deferred with fresnel, smoothness and energy conservation (also compatible with forward).

- Spatio-temporal filter and specular reflection controls to attenuate and remove shimmering producing flicker free reflections.

- Ability to compute true depth of objects.

- Option to produce realistic/specular or dark reflections. Dark reflections look like shadows and are even faster to generate.

- Detailed raymarching settings.

Compatible with Unity 2021, 2022 and Unity 6, including Render Graph.

Shiny is also designed and optimized for the two rendering paths:

- In forward/forward+ rendering mode, you can override global raytracing settings per object, providing unparallel control and performance levels. Also you can decide to apply reflections only to specific objects in groups, by layer, name filter or even specific submeshes.

- In deferred rendering mode, Shiny SSRR leverages gbuffers to produce even more accurate physically based reflections by using per-pixel normals and smoothness independently of the objects in the scene.

Shiny can combine both rendering paths, allowing reflections over deferred and forward compatible objects, like puddles (a puddle example is included in demo scene 1).

The asset includes a demo scene and a quickstart guide (PDF) with instructions.

Additionally we provide around the clock support on our dedicated support site and on Discord.

Related assets:

Shiny SRR 2 is included in our Visual Fidelity, Visual Fidelity Pro and Ultimate Bundle. You can buy Shiny SSR 2 now and later upgrade to any of these bundles with a discount.

Like Shiny SSR? Contact us and check out our other assets on our Publisher page.

Technical details

** Compatibility**

- Compatible with Built-in and URP pipelines.

- Deferred rendering path in URP requires URP 12.0 or later (Unity 2021.3+).

- Also supports Unity 6 and the new URP Render Graph.

- Supports Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and WebGL 2 platforms.

- Works with existing shaders/materials, no scene changes required.

- Works great with Beautify and Radiant Global Illumination.

- In forward rendering mode, reflections can't be added to terrain.

- VR not supported.

- Orthographic camera not supported.

Note: the effect can only render reflections from visible objects in the scene as it's a screen space/camera effect.

Shiny SSR 2 - Screen Space Reflections

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15.2 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Dec 13, 2024
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