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This package is designed to extend Ultimate Character Controllers and enable players to ride and shoot in vehicles together. It also adds expandability by making it easy to make manned weapons.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

This is a system, not visually based and could be used for any SRP

Package dependencies
This package needs other Asset Store packages in order to work.

This package requires that you have Ultimate Character Controller, (or one of the sub parts eg. First Person, Third Person) installed.

  • Includes a parachute ability and an example Airborne Gunship (like the Battlefield 4 commander mode enabled Gunship). Board the Gunship shoot some projectiles, bail out and use your parachute for some fun!

  • Includes an example Remote Controlled Tank, a great display of the versatility of this asset.

  • This package works out of the box with Realistic Car Controller v3.

  • This package can work with or without a vehicle controller, it is middleware for your vehicles, so many many options of use are available, examples are included using Realistic Car Controller v3 (if you own it and have it installed in your project), Standard Assets Car Controller, and NO car controller, check out the stationary Turrets. Another perfect example of this is integrating with Crest(HDRP/URP) using the Submarine. You can read how to do this in the documentation, no code is required.

  • Any vehicle controller can be used with minimal setup effort. The component enable/disable system makes this easy.

  • Example motorbike controller included!

  • Unlimited amount of seats. You can add as many as you like! Build a train or a rollercoaster!

  • Players can switch seats much like Battlefield.

  • Players can now also switch to a platform seat to be able to walk around on/in the vehicle!

  • Full screen UI can be setup easily for things like Tanks in First Person Perspective.

  • Seat specific options allow you to make your character fit any scenario.

  • Use items from inventory can be allowed or not, enabling players to shoot from vehicle windows or while driving even, much like Battlefield/GTA.

  • Vehicle Weapons can be added very easily, you can also have secondary vehicle weapons or more... only limited to the amount of inputs you have, you can add as many per seat as you wish.

  • Vehicle Weapon Shooters can make full use of character items as UCC Shootable Weapon if desired, in three stages, No character item needed, character item used for UI purpose only, character item full use with ammunition consumption and reload etc

  • Vehicle Weapon Shooters can launch UCC Grenades.

  • Vehicle Weapon Shooters can make use of the UCC Attribute system, both Item Use and Character Use Attributes, and example is included for an overheat/cooldown effect.

  • With use of IK next to no animation setup is required.

  • Override states easily per seat. Included is a bunch of presets to get you started.

  • Split Screen capable.

  • Works online or offline, with or without PUN.

  • Super easy and fast to setup characters and objects. Friendly and intuitive inspector design.

  • Ever and always improving with each update!

  • Check out the Helicopter System dedicated for Ultimate Seating Controller and Ultimate Character Controller.
Technical details
  • Unlimited amount of seats
  • Seat specific options
  • Teleport
  • Enter from left or right capable
  • Multiplayer capable
  • Split Screen capable.
  • Works with RCC
  • Manned weapons/Vehicle weapons
  • Shoot from window
  • Shoot while driving
  • Override states easily per seat

Ultimate Seating Controller

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