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MIS is a kind of dedicated middleware for Invector Third Person Template. Its main purpose is not to modify Invector core so that it makes to develop and publish various features for custom add-ons.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Package dependencies

Invector Third Person Template v2.6.4b+ REQUIRED

Invector FSM AI v1.1.9a+ (Optional)

Invector Builder v1.9+ (Optional)

Invector FreeClimb v1.6+ (Optional)

Invector Parachute v1.3+ (Optional)

Invector Push v1.5+ (Optional)

Invector ShooterCover v1.0+ (Optional)

Invector Zipline v2.1+ (Optional)

A variety of features developed by professional freelancers are provided at very unconventional prices only to Invector users.

Reduce development and release times and improve game quality with MIS. A variety of products will be continuously provided by converging trends and your requests.

Middleware For Invector Template (MIS)

✅ MIS provides a variety of production-ready add-ons based on Invector Templates.

✅ MIS does not modify Invector core. It inherits and adds logic to be used for MIS packages. Although it uses inherited classes, but they are completely same with Invector's when any MIS packages is not running.

MIS Packages

✅ MIS Add-ons for Invector

✅ New packages from MIS users requirements are constantly being released

MIS-MultiJump and MIS-LandingRoll can be used for free.

IMPORTANT: Please do not import MIS until Invector Mobile Setup has been done (Only for mobile users).

Key Benefits

✅ Provides All-In-One Setup for both MIS and Invector addons

  • All MIS and Invector add-ons are installed in a few seconds including Animator

✅ Provides Chained-Action between MIS packages

✅ Provides Chained-Action between Invector addons

✅ Provides Chained-Action between MIS and Invector addons (Except Invector Swimming)

  • If you plan to use as much as Invector addons, MIS will be of great help.

✅ Supports through MIS Discord server

✅ Accepts user's feature suggestions

✅ Does not modify Invector core

✅ All MIS packages run on a feature-based basis


✅ Do not change INVECTOR and MIS related folder locations

Contact Information

✅ Email: mymobilin@gmail.com

Technical details

✅ Only officially supports for the latest Invector/FSM AI Template

✅ Only officially supports for the Third-Person mode

✅ Only officially supports for Humanoid characters

✅ Can be used for mobile platform

✅ Required Unity Editor 2018.3+

✅ Required .NET 4.x

✅ MIS provides the Invector ShooterCover Setup and its chained-action, but does not support any issue. This is because the ShooterCover add-on is in beta state.

MIS-Middleware For Invector Template

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