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Tropical island

This package works only with HDRP

Create your own tropical island with this package

This package contains 17 models, water and wind shader for leafs.

17 models (not including LODs)

3 palm trees

Palm 01 (Base (LOD0 350 tris, LOD1 125 tris, LOD2 95 tris) Leafs (LOD0 380 tris, LOD1 304 tris, LOD2 184 tris)) (Texture size Base 1024x1024) (Texture size Leafs 512x512 and 128x128 for LOD2)

Palm 02 (Base (LOD0 350 tris, LOD1 145 tris, LOD2 95 tris) Leafs (LOD0 380 tris, LOD1 316 tris, LOD2 184 tris)) (Texture size Base 1024x1024) (Texture size Leafs 512x512 and 128x128 for LOD2)

Palm 03 (Base (LOD0 270 tris, LOD1 95 tris, LOD2 85 tris) Leafs (LOD0 320 tris, LOD1 268 tris, LOD2 164 tris)) (Texture size Base 1024x1024) (Texture size Leafs 512x512 and 128x128 for LOD2)

1 big rock (LOD0 230 tris, LOD1 128 tris) (Texture size 1024x1024)

1 model of small rocks (LOD0 94 tris, LOD1 27 tris) (Texture size 512x512)

1 sea star (48 tris) (Texture size 512x512)

5 grass meshes

Grass 01 (4 tris) (Texture size 512x512)

Grass 02 (46 tris) (Texture size 512x512)

Grass 03 (414 tris) (Texture size 512x512)

Grass 04 (3726 tris) (Texture size 512x512)

Grass clovers (18 tris) (Texture size 1024x1024)

2 meshes of leafs for the rocks

Leafs 01 (2 tris) (Texture size 1024x1024)

Leafs 01 (120 tris) (Texture size 1024x1024)

5 bushes

bush 01 (4 LODs for base (LOD0,1,2,3 160 tris), 3 LODs for leafs (LOD0 9886 tris, LOD1 6162 tris, LOD2 3750 tris)) (Texture size 2048x2048)

bush 02 (3 LODs (LOD0 731 tris, LOD1 473 tris, LOD2 285 tris)) (Texture size 1024x1024)

bush 03 (2 LODs (LOD0 712 tris, LOD2 531 tris)) (Texture size 1024x1024)

bush 04 (2 LODs (LOD0 800 tris, LOD1 623 tris)) (Texture size 1024x1024)

bush 05 (220 tris) (Texture size 1024x1024)

Plane for water (42352 tris)

Water shader

Wind for leafs was made by using shader graph and vertical displacement

1 track of waves sounds (Seamless 45seconds, bitrate 173kbpc)

2 grass textures

2 dirt textures

3 sand textures

Texture sizes

Dirt texture 01 (Texture size 1024x1024)

Dirt texture 02 (Texture size 1024x1024)

Grass 01 (Texture size 2048x2048)

Grass 02 (Texture size 1024x1024)

Sand 01 (Texture size 1024x1024)

Wet Sand (Texture size 1024x1024)

Sand with shels (Texture size 2048x2048)

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Stylized materials

Tropical island (HDRP)

82 users have favourite this asset
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License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
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File size
249.5 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Aug 9, 2019
Original Unity version
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