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KEKOS is a 3D Character Customization Tool with a ton of outfit combinations and fast integration for your projects.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP


  • Character customization with the editor in a fast, clean and efficient way.
  • Customize your kekos character and export to prefab and package easily for fast integration.
  • [CONTENT UPDATE] Tons of items and colors to choose from: torso, pants, shoes, gloves, hairstyles, hats, glasses, eyes, eyebrows, facial features.
  • Blendshapes (morphers) for facial expressions.
  • [NEW] Runtime scene example.
  • Compatible with Built-in pipeline, URP and HDRP. Just unpack and use.
  • Humanoid Rig.
  • Sprite icons for each item.
  • [CONTENT UPDATE] 20+ character prefabs included out of the box.
  • Works on multiple platforms and environments: PC, Android, iOS, VR, etc.
  • [NEW] FAQ and technical documents.
  • [CONTENT UPDATE] 6 test animations.


Complete your project with more KEKOS environment assets:

🌴 KEKOS Tropical Beach

🐎 KEKOS Horses, Unicorns and Pegasus

Or improve your productivity with our tools:

🎨 Colorinchis - Recolor at Runtime and Bake Textures Tool

🎮 Venn Console - Runtime Console, Command Input and Hotkeys Dashboard


❓ - Have any questions or bug reports?

📖 Read the FAQ on our website.

💬 Drop your question in the forum thread, email, Twitter, or Discord.

* Provide the following information if needed: Unity version, Pipeline (built-in, URP or HDRP), Package version, Description of the problem, screenshots, and invoice number.

"Asset uses Bloom Effect under MIT-0; 5by7 Font under OFL; Color Thief under MIT; see Notices.txt file in the package for details."

Technical details

=> Pipelines compatibility:

  • Built-in
  • URP
  • HDRP

=> Number of elements:

👕 Torso: 6 models + 6 different textures each (36 total)

👖 Legs: 6 models + 6 different textures each (36 total)

👟 Feet: Barefoot + 6 shoes + 6 different textures each (37 total)

🖐 Hands: Barehands + 4 gloves + 6 different textures each (25 total)

👗 Full torso: 6 models + 6 different textures each (36 total)

🎒 Backpacks: 3 models + 6 different textures each (18 total)

👒 Caps: 4 models + 6 different textures each (24 total)

👓 Glasses: 6 models + 6 different textures each (36 total)

👧 Hairstyles: 8

👀 Eye types: 6

👁 Eyebrows: 3

👤 Skin tones: 13 and 6 skin details

👃 Face characteristics: 8

=> Blendshapes (morphers) for face expressions: 27

=> Polygon count of final model configuration: MIN~16k tris 10k verts / MAX~60k tris 35k verts

=> Texture dimensions:

  • Skin: 4096 (13 skin tones and 6 skin details)
  • Customization parts: 2048
  • Textures include diffuse, metallic, normal, emissive, and masks.

=> Rigging: Yes (Compatible with Humanoid Avatar)

=> Animations list:

  • Idle
  • Walk
  • Run
  • Punch
  • Dance
  • Jump (In place and root motion versions)

KEKOS - Customizable 3D Character Cartoon Kids

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File size
1.4 GB
Latest version
Latest release date
Nov 11, 2024
Original Unity version
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KEKOS - Customizable 3D Character Cartoon Kids