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Rendered into 2D images from 3D models.

Environment, buildings and character pack with isometric hexagon tiles. Six diffrent biomes.
Pack includes:
-140 environment hexes, spritesheets size 3072 x 4608. Single tile size is 256 x 256. Forest, fields, mountains, sea, desert, ruin, iceland.

- 96 buildings, spritesheets size 2560 x 4608. Single tile size is 320 x 384.
- 8 levels of city center,
- 8 levels of church,
- 8 levels of barracks,
- 8 levelsof houses,
- 8 levels windmills,
- 8 levels market,
- 8 levels stable,
- 8 levels lighthouses,
- 4 levels forges,
- 4 levels lumberjacks,
- 4 levels stone mines,
- 4 levels enemy posts,
- 16 diffrent fields (grain, berries, apple, potatoes)

- 30 characters, single frame size is 128 x 128,
- 3 levels archers (stay, attack and walk animation),
- 3 levels knights (stay, attack and walk animation),
- 3 levels spearman (stay, attack and walk animation),
- 3 levels cavalry (stay, attack and walk animation),
- 3 levels bandits (stay, attack and walk animation),
- 8 diffrent citizens (stay and walk animation),
- 2 diffrent kings (stay and walk animation),
- 2 diffrent queens (stay and walk animation),
- 4 diffrent priests (stay and walk animation),
- 2 diffrent spy (stay and walk animation),
- merchant (stay and walk animation),
- 2 diffrent builders (stay, build and walk animation),

Contact and support: karolurban94@gmail.com

2D Hexagon Tiles - Environment, Buildings, Characters

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License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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