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Gabriel Aguiar

Check out Gabriel Aguiar’s favorite assets to help make a game quickly from the Unity Asset Store.

Meet Gabriel Aguiar

Gabriel Aguiar is a YouTuber and VFX artist who specializes in visual effects for games.

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Explore Gabriel Aguiar's favorite assets

With thousands of assets on the Unity Asset Store, finding the right ones for your upcoming project might feel a little daunting. Here is a selection of assets recommended by Gabriel Aguiar to help you start your next game or take it across the finish line.

Gabriel Aguiar content showcase

Looking for new assets or gamedev tips and tricks? Gabriel Aguiar has you covered with a variety of videos and playlists.

How do Games go from FLAT to AMAZING? - Rabbit's Tale Devlog Ep 08

Anime Water Splash in Unity - Tutorial

Unity Shader Graph - Intersection Effect Tutorial

Why you should become a VFX Artist?

Quality assets
Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Community support
Supported by 100,000+ forum members