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PSFX is a family of materials and camera effects that emulates the look and feel of the bygone era of PlayStation 1 graphics. This is a great package for those who are looking to create retro PS1-styled games.
Play the NEW Interactive Demo!
Play the old Interactive Demo!
PSFX Material family
The PSFX shader allows you to fully customize the look of your PSX-styled game. With options that emulate the classic graphical quirks of the hardware of yesteryear.
- 3 Lighting modes: Unlit, Diffuse, and Specular
- 3 Rendering modes: Opaque, Transparent, and Cutout
- Adjustable triangle culling mode
- Shininess and Glossiness sliders for Specular PSFX materials
- 2D Reflection mode
- 3D Reflection mode
- A stylistic 2D reflection mode great for stylizing glassy materials
- Reflection maps
- 3 Reflection blending modes: Multiply, Additive, Replace
Immersive PSX Experience
Let your players get immersed in your retro game by using PSFX's authentic distortion capabilities and camera post-rendering effects. Using the PSFX Camera you can emulate the retro experience of old gaming hardware.
- Adjustable and optional affine texture distortion
- Adjustable low-precision (shaky) vertices
- Adjustable low-precision camera position
- Color dithering and dithering strength
- Simulate small color palettes with adjustable Color Depth
- Resolution scale
- Camera letterboxing with aspect ratio adjustment
- Authentic Subtractive Fade slider
- Triangle distance culling
- Triangle near-plane clipping
- IS compatible with Deferred and Forward rendering modes
- IS compatible with DirectX 9, DirectX 11, and OpenGL rendering libraries
- NOT compatible with LWRP or HDRP
- MIGHT NOT work on certain mobile devices (PSFX Camera)
Play the NEW Interactive Demo!
Play the old Interactive Demo!
PSFX Material family
The PSFX shader allows you to fully customize the look of your PSX-styled game. With options that emulate the classic graphical quirks of the hardware of yesteryear.
- 3 Lighting modes: Unlit, Diffuse, and Specular
- 3 Rendering modes: Opaque, Transparent, and Cutout
- Adjustable triangle culling mode
- Shininess and Glossiness sliders for Specular PSFX materials
- 2D Reflection mode
- 3D Reflection mode
- A stylistic 2D reflection mode great for stylizing glassy materials
- Reflection maps
- 3 Reflection blending modes: Multiply, Additive, Replace
Immersive PSX Experience
Let your players get immersed in your retro game by using PSFX's authentic distortion capabilities and camera post-rendering effects. Using the PSFX Camera you can emulate the retro experience of old gaming hardware.
- Adjustable and optional affine texture distortion
- Adjustable low-precision (shaky) vertices
- Adjustable low-precision camera position
- Color dithering and dithering strength
- Simulate small color palettes with adjustable Color Depth
- Resolution scale
- Camera letterboxing with aspect ratio adjustment
- Authentic Subtractive Fade slider
- Triangle distance culling
- Triangle near-plane clipping
- IS compatible with Deferred and Forward rendering modes
- IS compatible with DirectX 9, DirectX 11, and OpenGL rendering libraries
- NOT compatible with LWRP or HDRP
- MIGHT NOT work on certain mobile devices (PSFX Camera)
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