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10 new hologram shaders for Unity, featuring glitch effects, scanlines, gridlines, and more! Compatible with all render pipelines.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

The package comes with a demo scene and materials set up for the built-in pipeline. Additional demo scenes and materials for URP and HDRP are included in separate .unitypackage files, so please extract one of those if you are using URP or HDRP.

All pipelines require the Shader Graph package to be installed (use the Package Manager if it is missing).


This package adds a range of hologram shaders to Unity. From basic holograms with Fresnel highlights to advanced holograms with two kinds of glitch effect, scanlines, to stylistic dot matrix and gridline holograms, there's plenty here to make your games look futuristic!

Featured Hologram Effects

  • Basic - Supports emissive Fresnel lighting and a basic alpha cutoff.
  • Glitch - Two kinds of glitch effect: single-vertex snapping and slice offsetting.
  • Scanlines - An emissive scanline texture runs down the object in screen space or world space.
  • Uber - Combines all the features of Basic, Glitch, and Scanlines in one shader.
  • Grid - Overlay a regular glowing grid pattern across any combination of the x-, y-, and z-axes in world space.
  • Grid & Glitch - A variant of the Grid shader that also supports glitching.
  • Dot Matrix - Replace the object with evenly-spaced emissive dots in screen space.
  • Dot Matrix & Glitch - A variant of the Dot Matrix shader that also supports glitching.
  • Noise - Applies visual noise over the surface of the mesh.
  • Gradient - Uses a color gradient for the base emission and Fresnel.

✔️ Compatible Versions

  • Compatible with HDRP, URP, and Built-in in Unity 2021.3 and up.
  • Tested with LTS versions of Unity.
  • Please note that the package was designed for desktop use. These shaders may work on mobile and in VR, but support is not guaranteed.
Technical details

Includes eight new hologram shaders for URP, HDRP, and the Built-in Render Pipeline. All effects are implemented in Shader Graph for ease of customization.

Hologram Shaders Pro for URP, HDRP & Built-in

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Aug 9, 2024
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Hologram Shaders Pro for URP, HDRP & Built-in