Over 11,000 five-star assets
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The video preview shows the X-Ray feature at the end, which is not yet available for HDRP.
Check out the shaders available in the list below.
Easily turn any 3D asset into a Ghost model. From characters to vehicles, thanks to the different settings you can achieve many results.
Find here our version compatible with the Built-In and Universal Render Pipeline.
Supported Unity versions
2019.4 LTS
2020.3 LTS
2022.3 LTS (by default)
The file includes HDRP shaders for Unity 2019.4 LTS, 2020.3 LTS and 2022.3 LTS.
By default, the package is set up to be compatible for Unity 2022.3.x. If you are using Unity 2020.3.x or 2021.3.x, unpack the HDRP-Ghost Shaders_2020.3.x.unitypackage.
Documentation included
- CS_Advanced Ghost
- CS_Fast Ghost | Always privilege this shader for mobile projects.
Due to some differences between the Render Pipelines, we could not integrate the other shaders available for the Built-In and URP versions. They will be added in a future update if we can.
- Advanced customizable parameters.
- HDRP support.
- Mobile friendly.
- Refraction effect.
- Cloud map animation.
- UV or Screen Projection.
- Smoothness options.
- Full control on transparency.
Demo Models:
- 1 Wall
- 3 stones
- 1 pedestal
- 1 torch
- 1 chain+bars
The package comes with a demo scene using 1k and 2k textures in .png format.
If you have any question feel free to contact us : contact@ciconia-studio.com