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WebGL demo of this and other effects from URP Post-Processing Extensions

Note: not working on Unity 6 (URP 17).
Latest supported Unity version is 2022.3 (URP 14).

Package contains implementation of Motion Blur for Universal Render Pipeline implemented as Scriptable Renderer Feature.

The only thing you needed is to add MotionBlurFeature to your ForwardRenderer and choose what layers to blur and what remain unblurred.

Feature can be configured in several ways:
Depends on camera movement - will calculate blur by camera velocity
Depends on speedFactor - can be configured by external script, i.e. by vehicle velocity
Static blur - fixed effect with configurable direction (in screen space)

All shaders are implemented in ShaderGraph except those which are working with Depth Buffers (there is no support for depth write in ShaderGraph).

Requirements: URP 10.5

1. transparent objects are not blurred by design regardless of layer. Because there is no clear way (w/o glitches) to mix together opaque and transparent objects with separated rendering of blurred and unblurred layers.
2. method is not using Motion Vectors, so amount of blur is depends on camera speed and not on speed of objects in front of camera.
3. method was not checked for VR.
4. Supported Unity version 2020.3.11f1+ and URP 10.5+ (because of Shader Graph shaders).

As a compensation for constant-per-frame blur factor there is depth factor made configurable. So far objects can be blurred less than close.

Note: demo scene contains special script which will set custom renderer pipeline linked to Forward Renderer with MotionBlurFeature. You can use it or add MotionBlurFeature to your Forward Renderer.

URP Motion Blur

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