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This Shader enables you to change colors of existing textures to your own specified colors. URP now included, HDRP not yet supported. If you have any issues finding the URP setup get in touch.
Shaders include:
'Simple', '3color Cutout', '5 Color Standard' and '5 Color 2-sided-Cutout'. Added a protection Mask slot for keeping areas unaffected where black is painted. Added AO map for 5 color-cutout-2sided
This current webdemo shows off what you can change the colors to based on some pre-picked color-detections and range settings, although you can pick any colours you like in the full version and have full access to range and softness.
It will work will all diffuse/albedo textures.
Various shaders have been supplied in this pack
Simple Albedo color and Gloss/metal control as well as self-lit control. Good for cartoony style or Low Poly based props, characters and environments.
Supports Albedo, Normal Map, Metal-Smooth with additional control over emissiveness and smoothness as well as an overall effect slider
Two versions have been created that can detect and change up to 5 colors. Also has a 2-sided cutout version.
Sprite version of the shader for sprites (even more range too including 8,16,32,36,40 and 48 swap out!.
For conversions to other Render Pipelines, please get in touch, this package will be updated in 2021 when render pipelines are more robust.
Shaders include:
'Simple', '3color Cutout', '5 Color Standard' and '5 Color 2-sided-Cutout'. Added a protection Mask slot for keeping areas unaffected where black is painted. Added AO map for 5 color-cutout-2sided
This current webdemo shows off what you can change the colors to based on some pre-picked color-detections and range settings, although you can pick any colours you like in the full version and have full access to range and softness.
It will work will all diffuse/albedo textures.
Various shaders have been supplied in this pack
Simple Albedo color and Gloss/metal control as well as self-lit control. Good for cartoony style or Low Poly based props, characters and environments.
Supports Albedo, Normal Map, Metal-Smooth with additional control over emissiveness and smoothness as well as an overall effect slider
Two versions have been created that can detect and change up to 5 colors. Also has a 2-sided cutout version.
Sprite version of the shader for sprites (even more range too including 8,16,32,36,40 and 48 swap out!.
For conversions to other Render Pipelines, please get in touch, this package will be updated in 2021 when render pipelines are more robust.
Color Swapper Shader (Built-In / URP)
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