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Pixelite GI is a real-time, fully raytraced, GPU lighting solution built from the ground up for 2D pixel art games.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

Please note that a compute capable GPU or platform is required. While this includes most desktop platforms, you should double check if using a low powered system or device.


Old meets new. Pixel art meets real-time ray tracing.

Pixelite GI is a real-time, fully raytraced, GPU lighting solution built from the ground up for 2D pixel art games. It utilizes a new research technology called Spatiotemporal Reservoir Resampling (ReSTIR) to efficiently compute multi-bounce global illumination in scenes with potentially millions of light sources. Every pixel is a light.

Save time on asset creation. No need for shading. Enjoy fully raytraced environments with an unprecedented amount of freedom. Draw out any light you want, in any shape or color, and let it shine! 

Read more about ReSTIR here.


  • Fully real-time raytraced lighting with soft shadows and multibounce global illumination.
  • Based on brand new research published in 2020.
  • Renders everything in real-time.
  • Support for arbitrary light sources defined by emissive materials and textures.
  • Support for the built-in Unity particle system and the SpriteRenderer. Realistic fire, energy, and laser effects.
  • Additional support for point, spot, and directional light sources.
  • Support for normal mapped materials
  • Fully customizable profiles for tweaking render qualities customized to every scene and system.
  • Many demo scenes with a comprehensive usage manual.


Compatible with any desktop/laptop system with a compute capable GPU/integrated graphics. Pixelite GI does not require hardware raytracing support to function. However, we recommend a desktop GTX 1070 equivalent or above.

For reference, an RTX 3090 nets about 300FPS, 570FPS, and 280FPS on the "Cave", "Tomb", and "Starship" scenes, respectively.


- This requires a fairly decent computer to run well. A GTX 1060 will suffice, but more powerful GPUs give more FPS, which means less noise for ReSTIR.

- Currently only supports the standard pipeline (URP is coming).

Technical details
  • Fully real-time raytraced lighting with soft shadows and multibounce global illumination.
  • Based on brand new research published in 2020.
  • Renders everything in real-time.
  • Support for arbitrary light sources defined by emissive materials and textures.
  • Support for the built-in Unity particle system and the SpriteRenderer. Realistic fire, energy, and laser effects.
  • Additional support for point, spot, and directional light sources.
  • Support for normal mapped materials
  • Fully customizable profiles for tweaking render qualities customized to every scene and system.
  • Many demo scenes with a comprehensive usage manual.

Pixelite GI

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
1.0 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jul 27, 2021
Original Unity version
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