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Create rain and simple clouds instantly.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

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For a full weather system, with improved lighting, time of day, sun, clouds, sky sphere, lightning, etc. please purchase my new Weather Maker asset at https://u3d.as/s0Z

Rain Maker is a highly tuned set of particle systems, sounds and scripts to make great rain for your game or app. Rain Maker will save you many hours of time and is a great value.

With rain maker, your rain automatically adapts to the lighting in your scene. With built in weather for wind, rain collisions, light handling and seamless sounds, Rain Maker is an easy drop in solution for rain and mist.

Rain maker also has a 2D mode that handles that pesky orthographic size and 2D collisions for you.

Combine Rain Maker with my Procedural Lightning for a great storm: http://u3d.as/f1c

Here's what Rain Maker can do for you:

- Control intensity of the rain (0-1)

- Your own highly configurable script to determine rain behavior

- The Rain Maker shader is highly optimized to light all your rain properly and efficiently, and looks great even with per vertex lighting

- Higher intensity rain has a nice mist effect

- Separate materials for rain drops, rain splash and rain mist, with lots of configuration options

- Built in looping sounds for wind, light rain, medium rain and torrential rain

- Seamless and clean sound and visual transitions between rain intensity changes

- 2D mode

- Easily expandable. Just copy the prefab and tweak the properties for new rain, snow or anything else you can think of.

As always, please read the Readme.txt file that comes with the asset so you can get the maximum value from this great package.

For a full weather system, with improved lighting, time of day, sun, clouds, sky sphere, lightning, etc. please purchase my new Weather Maker asset at http://u3d.as/s0Z

I'm Jeff Johnson and I spent many hours making this asset just for you. I hope you enjoy it. Support is available for paid downloads at support@digitalruby.com.

Technical details

Easy to use rain storm and simple clouds

Rain Maker - 2D and 3D Rain Particle System for Unity

4656 users have favourite this asset
License type
File size
9.2 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 17, 2022
Original Unity version
2019.4.35 or higher
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Rain Maker - 2D and 3D Rain Particle System for Unity