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Clean solution
11 days ago
CoreNut이전 버전 1.7.7p1
If you need behavior tree implementation, save yourself the trouble.
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
10 days ago에 답변됨
Than you CoreNut! Happy to hear that you're enjoying Behavior Designer!
Simply Great
13 days ago
instruct9r버전 1.7.10
Behavior Designer is the best tool that can be used in Unity for Behavior Tree powered AI's. It's just so intuitive and easy to use. Everything that i could think of is added to the editor, from Global Variables, to Local Variables that can be connected to Properties. I can even reference 2 separate tasks. This is so cool... I highly recommend it...
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
12 days ago에 답변됨
I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying Behavior Designer! Awesome to hear that you found the task referencing feature :) Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
a month ago
Jamsalad버전 1.7.10
Great and pretty powerful asset that works exactly as advertised , which is pretty rare on this store. Will it do every single thing to make super powerful AI? Probably not, there are some limitations but through custom tasks you should be able to make most anything you want.
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퍼블리셔 답변:
a month ago에 답변됨
Thank you for leaving a review! Definitely agree that the power comes in from creating custom tasks. Behavior Designer has a large number of integrations but the true power comes in using your own task with the behavior tree flow. The Playmaker and Visual Scripting integrations are also great if you don't have scripting experience. Justin
3 months ago
wdessy이전 버전 1.7.8
This is a wonderfully developed software. It is very user-friendly and works perfectly. I was able to create some very difficult behavior trees in a very short amount of time. Its UI design is extremely easy to understand and learn. The documentation and online tutorials were very helpful. Plus, the online support and help from its developers and contributors is phenomenal. Any questions I had were answered quickly. You can even create and add your own scripts to be utilized within the software, alongside the included commands. 100% the best asset I've purchased.
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
3 months ago에 답변됨
Thank you wdessy - I'm looking forward to the release of your project!
it's good,but it can be better
4 months ago
DeaconD이전 버전 1.7.9
我认为这是一个不错的资源,不论你是否能完全理解行为树的代码这个资源都因为它适配unity的可视化界面给你节省不少时间和精力。 但是我认为它仍然有很多可以提升的地方,一个是它的document有些过于简短,虽然我们当然也可以通过阅读源码来完全了解各种task,但提供一个更翔实的文档总是好的。另一个问题是我不知道是否因为存在某些约定俗成的习惯,像lower priority这个选项在我看来是非常反直觉的,事实上这个type的任务会不断的检测并在符合条件时打断其他任务和执行,这难道不是一种高优先级吗,这让我这样的初学者在学习时有一些费解。 ========================================= 感谢您的回复
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
4 months ago에 답변됨
Edit: thanks for updating your review, and definitely get in contact if you have any questions on behavior trees! Hello, Behavior trees are a widely used game AI implementation so any resource that you find on how behavior trees work will apply to Behavior Designer (as long as the resource uses a standard behavior tree implementation). With that said, take a look at the page below which goes into detail on what a behavior tree is. At the end of the document it contains some additional links, most of which use Behavior Designer itself: https://opsive.com/support/documentation/behavior-designer/what-is-a-behavior-tree/ Conditional aborts are probably the trickiest concept with behavior trees. We have some resources dedicated to it: - https://opsive.com/support/documentation/behavior-designer/conditional-aborts/ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFsK5x6ZW7k In addition, if you do a search on our forum you'll find questions related to it which may also help. Behavior trees are an extremely powerful and intuitive AI implementation once you get the hang of them so I'm sure it will be useful for your project. If you have any questions on your specific behavior tree feel free to reach out and I'll be able to help :) Justin
One of the best!
4 months ago
blackwid0w102이전 버전 1.7.9
This is going to be extremely useful! You won't regret buying this!
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
4 months ago에 답변됨
We agree :) Looking forward to hearing about what you create with Behavior Designer!
The best Asset!
4 months ago
FAMinigames이전 버전 1.7.9
I transferred my AI to this framework very easy! Loved it!
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
4 months ago에 답변됨
I'm happy that you're enjoying Behavior Designer. Thank you for leaving a review!
Best, but--
4 months ago
StudioBillion이전 버전 1.7.7p1
Wonderful plugin but assembly definition files are needed as hell. So many scripts, so many compilation time...
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
4 months ago에 답변됨
Thanks for the review! The runtime source code download contains assembly definitions, and I'll include it with the uploaded Asset Store version as well with the next update :) Justin
Great quality and support over the years!
6 months ago
Deadcow_이전 버전 1.7.8
We released our game The Final Station with AI powered by this asset, it was a nice experience. I was surprised to see, that over the last 9 years this asset was actively supported. I happy to use it once again for our new project!
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퍼블리셔 답변:
6 months ago에 답변됨
I love this review. Thank you for your purchase almost a decade ago and I'm happy to hear that you used Behavior Designer in a released project. Here's to the next 10 years and your next project!
WOW! The Best AI!
9 months ago
PiyushBansal이전 버전 1.7.7p1
Really amazing tool! Worked amazingly! Loved it <3
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
9 months ago에 답변됨
Thank you PiyushBansal - I'm glad that you're enjoying Behavior Designer!
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