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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋
Did you create a tree with the Unity tree system? And now you want to place it in your world, but everything looks the same? You don't have to make 100 different trees, just take that one and randomize it! It's a very simple tool, which just does exactly that.
This editor plugin allows you to generate multiple different trees from one tree (if the tree is made with the unity tree system).
Basically this plugin duplicates the tree and randomizes its seed. But it also references the materials of the original/template tree to minimize disk space usage.
Featured Assets:
Free Low Poly Pack | Low Poly Tree Pack | Persistent Components
Tree Randomizer
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Standard Unity Asset Store EULA라이선스
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8.2 KB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2017년 12월 11일
원본 Unity 버전
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