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Enjoy a hassle-free scene management with a powerful user-friendly toolkit for both editor and runtime.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

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Scene assets have always been frustrating to work with. Organizing and finding them becomes increasingly bothersome as a project grows, and their innate inability to be referenced for runtime purposes makes working with scene assets a cumbersome annoyance.

Scene Manager Toolkit solves those issues with a set of tools that simplifies scene asset management for both editor and runtime purposes.

Create, rename, move into folder, delete, tag, search, and handle all states of a scene asset within a user-friendly editor window that automatically lists and keeps track of every scene asset of the project.

With Scene Manager Toolkit, scene assets can finally be referenced in the inspector directly, and all of their relevant data can be retrieved with a simple method call. A dynamic layout of buttons offers a quick way to handle a scene asset's Build Settings and Addressables states.

Scene Manager Toolkit transforms scene management into a smooth and efficient process, allowing you to focus on what really matters: creating great products!


  • Non-intrusive
  • Addressables support
  • Facilitates scene management at runtime
  • Facilitates scene management in the editor
  • Does not change how the user interacts with Unity



See the "Technical details" section bellow for in-depth details.

Editor window

  • Manages the scene assets of the Project
  • Manages the scene assets of the Hierarchy
  • Manages the scene assets of the Build Settings
  • Manages the addressable state of scene assets
  • Binds tags to a scene asset to simplify grouping and sorting
  • Group scene assets

Inspector field

  • References scene assets in the Inspector
  • Reference scene asset groups in the inspector
  • Provides all necessary data for the referenced scene asset
  • Provides a button to select the scene asset in the Editor window
  • Provides buttons to easily manage the build settings state and the addressable state of the scene asset


  • Easily access all necessary scene asset data through an Inspector reference
  • Access a list of tags bound to the referenced scene asset



Scene Manager Toolkit is an evolving package.

As such, the Unity community's inputs helps us continuously improve the toolkit.

Join us on Discord to contribute to the discussion!


Ludwell Studio facilitates your productions. One tool at a time.

Technical details

Editor window

Scene management

Lists all scene assets of the project.

Scene assets can be searched.

Scene assets can be grouped.

Allows the user to manage scene assets:

  • Name
  • Location
  • Creation
  • Deletion
  • Hierarchy management
  • Build Settings management
  • Addressables management

Tag management

Any number of tags can be bound to a scene asset.

Scene assets can be searched by name, tag, or by scene in the hierarchy in the scene management section of the editor window.

Tags bound to a scene asset can be accessed at runtime.



Any scene asset can be referenced in the Inspector through the SceneAssetReference and the SceneAssetGroupRefenrence scripts.

The user can access all relevant data bound to the referenced scene asset through the aforementioned scripts.

Management buttons

Offer a quick way to ensure that a scene is ready for runtime:

  • Build Settings: Add/enable.
  • Addressables: Make the scene asset addressable.
  • Editor Window: Select in the Scene Manager Toolkit editor window.



The necessary scene asset data are accessible through SceneAssetReference.

This includes the relevant build settings data as well as the scene asset's Addressable ID. The tags bound to the referenced scene asset are also available to the user.

Data access examples





Scene Manager Toolkit

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File size
188.1 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Dec 25, 2024
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