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Save and Load your games!
This asset allows you to save and load all kinds of variables and objects quickly and easily, it also allows you to save information so that it is available in the menu instantaneously.
The asset is also responsible for knowing in which scene the game was saved, for when you want to load it is loaded in the correct scene.
You can save items that are from the scene or that were created while the player was playing.

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Principal functions
✔️ Save and load all the scene information
✔️ Select what you want to be saved
✔️ Save and load from another thread
✔️ Multi-Scene support
✔️ Encryption tools
✔️ Explore saved games
✔️ Inspect at field level without loading the game
✔️ Configure everything from the editor
✔️ Save GameObject created at run-time or always present in the scene
✔️ Save Quick Access information
✔️ Save game statistics
✔️ Supported platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and IOS
✔️ You can save the children of objects, and if they are objects you can do this up to 6 levels

Useful functions
✔️ Autosave
✔️ Duplicate Save
✔️ Auto Load On Play
✔️ On Exit Save
✔️ Custom names
✔️ Load events
✔️ List games saved with their basic information
✔️ Save screenshots
✔️ It supports saving GameObjects disabled
✔️ Programming is optional
✔️ Adapters to save even the most complicated components of unity
✔️ The same DLLs for any version of unity
✔️ You can save references to Components or GameObjects that are loaded

✔️ All the public methods of the Asset have documentation
✔️ Two game examples
✔️ One example menu
✔️ A custom help window
✔️ Readme.pdf file
✔️ Web documentation
✔️ Web articles

✔️ Report problems and improvements in Github issues, only english: Link.
✔️ Support for non-technical issues by email in English or Spanish

How to use it
In a GameObject of the scene add the component “SaveIsEasyManager” and in this select the Prefabs that you want that can be loaded in the game by the asset.
Add to your GameObjects or Prefabs the component “SaveIsEasyComponent” and in the list select the fields that you want to save and load.
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Main class of the Asset
The main class of the Asset is “SaveIsEasyAPI”, Examples: SaveIsEasyAPI.SaveAll(), SaveIsEasyAPI.LoadAll().
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The asset comes with a component called “SaveIsEasyStatistics” designed to store statistics of the game and using quick access that information is available in the menu.
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Multi-Scene support
This allows you to use the asset in situations where there are multiple scenes loaded at the same time and you can handle them independently, load or save them, without affecting the other scenes, this is useful for more complex saves.
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This allows you to save certain attributes separately from the game, so that they are available without having to load the entire file. It is used for the menu that lists the saved games. You can save all kinds of information and this is available in the menu instantly as it is not required to load all the information in the file. The types of data that Quick Access supports at the moment are: bool, char, double, float, int, long, short, sbyte, uint, ulong, ushort, string, byte, byte[].
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To use the events OnLoad and OnSave you have to implement the “ISaveIsEasyEvents” interface in your code.
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You can use attributes in your fields to use some extra features, The available attributes are the following: AlwaysSaveAttribute, AvoidSavingAttribute and QuickAccessAttribute .

Save is easy

436 users have favourite this asset
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File size
177.7 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jan 16, 2024
Original Unity version
2023.2.4 or higher
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