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User Reviews
One of the top editor plugins I own
4 years ago
BetaMarkon previous version 1.1.6
I likely won't ever build another Unity project without Peek included. It is that much of a game changer for me. Below is my list of pros, feature requests, and keyboard UX comments. Notice I don't have any cons -- this package is that good. --- Pros: * minimal UI just lets you focus on your scene and clears you head of all the noise you don't need * ctrl-shift clicking to spawn as a sibling of the other stuff also on the clicked on surface is brilliant. It should be in stock Unity. Its that good. * probe selection (rmb) for complex scenes ftw, every time. --- Feature Requests: * a red dot with number notification indicator when something under a drawer need my attention (e.g. when there is an error posted to Console or Game window has become active by isn't yet in view) * when I'm holding down right click in scene view for free look (fly mode) should ignore the "space" hotkey so that it can be used to fly up. * Figure out a better workflow for when I am in full screen scene view for when I hit ctrl-p. Currently game view doesn't appear. * add a "workflow wizard" which could include a Unity layout + peek configs + hokeys into something I can export from this project and import easily into the next. * add Ludiq folders to .collabignore (or .gitignore, etc) on the install of peek. I didn't want them in my repo, and I think I'd be breaking the per seat purchase rules if I was collaborating with anyone on this project. Make it easy for me to do the right thing. * don't stack Custom Scripts into one button by default -- instead have the wizard offer me the option to put icons on them (or walk me through that in project view at least). -- if no user icon -- put a "Ps" (adobe style) icon for the name of the script (e.g. MouseManager would be "Mm", and something like ReallyLongNamedScript would be "Rs"). * along with that, add fuzzy search for emoji to the list of things I can assign as icons * filling empty reference boxes in scripts is not intuitive (drag and drop feels backwards to me) and having to sticky an inspector window feels counter to the Peek design. Perhaps an option to replaces the "dot circle" default Unity search dialog with the same fuzzy search I use everywhere else? --- Little things I'd expect to be able to do with keyboard which don't work: * pressing space when an object is selected brings up the secondary bar but in fuzzy search mode -- so the alt-1, 2, 3, etc keys don't work (though they show up if you hot alt) * from the same if you are in the "add component" dialog, you can't go back to any of the previous views via their alt-# hotkeys * when viewing a component property, if I press space, it opens the property as a distinct popup window (yay!) but in many other places (like opening project, hierarchy, console, etc from the main bar) pressing space does not do the same behavior. * pressing escape will close a secondary bar menu item, but not the primary one. * arrow keys when a button is selected could select the neighboring buttons Edit: And a happy new years to you too! I'll copy my suggestions and keyboard comments over to an "ideas" post in the Peek forums. Still loving Peek and missing it every time I open someone else's project that doesn't have it :-)
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Reply from publisher:
replied 4 years ago
Dear Mccorkle, Our first review of 2020! Happy new year :) Thanks for the great review and the even better feedback. We will look through all these requests point by point and consider them as a team. Keep in touch on our discord to follow up on all the changes and updates we make. Our discord: https://discord.gg/mKWdcnP Kind regards, Hasan from Ludiq
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