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✨ Update 1.5 is out (June 1st, 2021)
- minor fixes and improvements.
⚡ Set and Get Global Variables from Anywhere
This asset makes it easy to declare global variables and get / set their values.
You can set and get variables using the following two static methods:
VariablesService.SetVariable("player_score", "10");
⚡ Listen for Changes to Variables
You can setup callbacks through Unity Editor or through code to receive callbacks when variables change.
⚡ Seamless Unity UI and Editor Integration
This asset has seamless integration in Unity. Work with user friendly inspectors to set global variables and the callbacks when they change.
⚡ Tutorials, Demo Scenes and Good Documentation
This package contains demo scenes and reusable prefabs to get you started. In addition I have made tutorial videos and articles to get you started as quickly as possible. Links at the top of this page.
Happy Coding!
No Such Studio: Variables