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NavimeshMarker is a Unity Editor tool that aims to

 - be a navmesh editor within Unity. The user can generate and edit meshes by himself easily. With the meshes, it is easy to mark a certain area as a specific Navigation Area, which can have different navigation costs.

 - provide a bake-free solution to get the runtime navmesh data in Open Detour format.

 - provide examples on how to use the runtime navmesh data in the editor. And you can use it in the same way everywhere.

After the meshes are generated, you can follow the old workflow to bake it to the navmesh data in the Unity Navigation Panel. Or you can also export the navmesh directly without baking. Instead of baking, the meshes intersection and the union calculation are performed. And all the edge vertices are kept. The data will be saved in JSON format and transferred to the Detour format. The examples are also provided in the Scene View to show how to use these data in Unity. The exporting and the runtime source are available via this link.

The features are as followed.

1. Editor Only Data Storage

2. Edit A Markermesh

  2.1. Freely Creation.

  2.2. Extension.

  2.3. Edge Vertices Adjustment.

  2.4. Connecting two edge points to form a new triangle.

  2.5. Triangle Deletion.

  2.6. Regular Poly Creation.

3. Handle Multiple Markermeshes

  3.1. Merging

  3.2. Splitting

4. Detour Format Exportation.

5. Runtime Usage Example.

Support & Contact & When you think of it is better if...

- email: noodle1983@126.com


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Latest release date
Jan 16, 2023
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