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See how users interact with your game or app. This asset shows the most used screen areas in your scene, using a heatmap 2D image overlapped on the screen.

A heatmap is a data representation technique that measures the magnitude of an interaction through a color code that allows to interpret quickly the results.
With this analysis, you will be able to visualize which areas, buttons, joysticks, etc. are the most used, so you can focus on them to improve the design and user interface of your projects.

The asset is prepared to be easy to apply and use in any Unity project. You just have to adapt the GameObject to the canvas, and the script will do the rest.
When the application starts, it calculates the time and position of the inputs that the user executes, and creates a heatmap in real time, so it updates the value of the colors based on the total time used each time.
The asset supports all screen resolutions, but you can change the calculation precision to improve the performance. This is very useful in the case of mobile devices with less processing capacity.

The asset comes with a prefab, which is already prepared for different platforms. For PC, MAC and WebGL, the prefab is configured to detect mouse position. For iOS and Android platforms, the prefab is configured to detect the fingers positions.
It also includes two scenes to test the asset, one with objects ready to interact with the mouse and another with objects ready to interact with fingers.
You can explore the possibilities of the asset in these scenes and configure the best visualization for your project.

The following functionalities can be configured:
- Mouse click detection (only for PC, Mac and WebGL platforms): to configure the detection of the mouse position at all times or only when the user clicks the mouse.
- Opacity color: represent the values with a single color with different opacity. More transparent for areas less used and more opaque for the most used areas.
- Color Gradient: represent the values with the specified set of colors. This is used only if "Opacity color" is not set. The colors on the left are the colors that represent the areas where the user has less interaction, and those on the right, the areas with more interaction.
- Radius influence: allows modifying the radius of influence of the input on the screen, to have more or less precision of the mouse/ touch.
- Texture resolution: allows modifying the resolution of the 2D image, so the calculation of the values is also simplified, reducing the precision of the representation, but improving the performance.

Heatmap Inputs Analyzer

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File size
297.9 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Sep 2, 2021
Original Unity version
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