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Goodrect Replicator is a Unity asset for replicating game objects in editor and at runtime.

GR Replicator can create replicas in two modes: grid and object. In this bundle however, there is a third option, which is using expressions for each transformation, and for extra data to be embedded on each replica.

This bundle contains both assets and the extra methods for creating expression based replicas.

GR Replicator can be used both at runtime, or in the editor by using the inspector interface of the wrapper component.

In the additional expression mode included in this bundle, you can instantiate objects in n-dimensional indexing, and can assign GR_Expression Solver instances for each axis of each transformation, along with the aforementioned extra data expressions, to be later used during runtime.

In the grid replication mode, you can instantiate objects on a grid and assign various transformations based on the grid indices. Such as incremental and global rotations, or position based scaling options.

In the object replication mode, you can use a target object with a mesh to create instances, which then will use the mesh properties such as vertex positions and normal directions for the transformations.

The additional Good Rectangle asset, GR Expression Solver is a lightweight, mathematical expression solver package.

With it, you can easily instantiate, animate or transform objects based on complex mathematical expressions.

By using its simple notation, you can include builtin Mathf library functions and arbitrary number of variables, as well as other GR Expression Solver objects to nest expressions within expressions.

Apart from your usual parenthesis nesting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power of and modulus operations, it can interpret the following functions from the Mathf library:

Abs, Acos, Asin, Atan, Atan2, Ceil, CeilToInt, Clamp, Clamp01, ClosestPowerOfTwo, Cos, DeltaAngle, Exp, Floor, FloorToInt, InverseLerp, Lerp, LerpAngle, LerpUnclamped, Log, Log10, Max, Min, NextPowerOfTwo, perlinNoise", Pow, Random, Random01, Round, RoundToInt, Sign, Sin, Sqrt, Tan, ToDeg, ToRad

In addition to the functions above, it can also interpret Random, Random01, Map, GreaterThan, LessThan, Equal, Ltoeq, Gtoeq functions, which are detailed in the documentation at https://rect.dev/grexpsolver.

For GR Replicator documentation, visit https://rect.dev/grreplicator

Follow @rect.dev on instagram for more creative coding projects.

Lastly, if you happen to encounter a bug, or if you have any suggestions, please send an email at unity@rect.dev and I'll respond to help as soon as possible.

Goodrect Replicator & Expression Solver Bundle

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Goodrect Replicator & Expression Solver Bundle