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Collection of super useful Tools and Elements to help you SAVE TIME and make AWESOME GAMES!
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

NOTE: As part of the inital launch, the normal price for this package is already discounted. I will be updating this asset with more tools over time and as I do that I will be increasing the price. So this is the cheapest it will ever be and if you buy now you get all future updates for FREE.

Save hundreds of hours and make games BETTER and FASTER by using various Tools and Elements included in this toolkit.

  • Does your game need an Input Window? Just drag and drop!
  • Do you need an Interaction System? Use the included one!
  • Does your game need an easy way to Reference Assets? Use the GameAssets class!
  • Need a Character Controller for a quick prototype? Drag and drop one of the many included ones!
  • Does your game need a simple Text Writing effect? Use the TextWriter class!
  • Do you need to store some data in a Grid (like a City Builder)? Use the Grid System!
  • Improve your player's experience with the Error Detector. Just drag and drop!
  • Want to interact with a server/API? Use the WebRequests class!
  • Do you need to ask your player something? Use the Question Dialog window!

...and many more!

This toolkit contains a collection of super useful Tools and Elements to help you save time and make awesome games!

Right now it includes 40 Tools and Elements to help you in various ways. Some are pre-made UI elements, others are Game Mechanics and Systems, others are helpful Utilities, etc. (more Tools and Elements to come in future free updates)

This toolkit is great for any part of the development process.

For prototyping, nowadays finding success as an indie developer is very difficult and you need to quickly test out lots of ideas, this Toolkit helps you do exactly that, it helps you try out new ideas very quickly by reusing a ton of these Tools and Elements, it can help you save hundreds of hours!

Or if you're already deep in development then this Toolkit helps you explore new ideas, or helps you with debugging, or helps you with polish.

All Tools have a linked Tutorial Video that explains how it works, if you want to learn, or you can just use them. There are Demo Scenes for every tool (and walkthrough video) with easy to understand code for how you use them, most tools you just drag and drop a prefab or call a function from a single line of code.

BONUS: Includes a Shop Simulator Prototype that I built to test out all these tools. Initially I was going to just make it for myself but I figured I might as well include it in the Toolkit as a nice bonus. You can take this as a starting point and build upon it to make a game in this VERY popular Steam genre.

My name is Code Monkey and I've been making games with Unity for over 10 years, I've got 8 successful games published on Steam. 7 years ago I started a YouTube channel sharing my knowledge and in that time I've made over 800 videos/tutorials that got millions of views and helped thousands of people who want to make games!

Technical details


  1. FunctionPeriodic: Trigger an action every X amount of time
  2. FunctionTimer: Trigger an Action after X seconds
  3. FunctionUpdater: Trigger an Action on every Update();
  4. GameAssets: Extremely useful class for easy access to any asset references
  5. DrawMesh: Draw a mesh with the mouse, great for giving orders, making annotations, or drawing a logo, etc
  6. DrawPixels: Draw pixel art in-game, great for modding, draw player icon, draw enemy icon, draw item, etc
  7. InteractionSystemLookAt: General system for interacting with objects or NPCs, Look At Objects
  8. InteractionSystemProximity: General system for interacting with objects or NPCs, Proximity to Objects
  9. ErrorDetector: Window that detects errors and shows them to the player
  10. InputWindow: Window for getting input from the player, ask for their name, age, weapon damage, etc
  11. MousePosition: Get the Mouse World Position in 3 ways: 2D; Raycast or Plane
  12. QuestionDialog: Ask the player some question, buttons on Yes/No/Ok/Cancel
  13. WebRequests: Contact a web server to get any data you want, or submit some data
  14. FirstPersonController: Simple Character Controller in First Person, look around and move
  15. HealthSystem: Manage any kind of health on any kind of object
  16. SaveFileScreenshot: Save Game Data with a Screenshot in the same file
  17. TakeScreenshot: Take a Screenshot, with or without UI
  18. BreakTheScreen: Nice effect where it takes a screenshot and then shatters it
  19. RandomData: Various functions to generate random data, numbers, vectors, strings
  20. TextPopup: Spawn a Text Popup, great for debugging
  21. ZoomShader: Zoom on the area behind an object, for example scope/binoculars
  22. CameraControllerBasic: Simple Camera Controller, Move and Rotate.
  23. CameraControllerBasic2D: Simple Camera Controller in 2D, Move and Rotate.
  24. CinematicBars: Show or Hide Cinematic Black bars on top and bottom of the screen, great for cutscenes
  25. FPSCounter: Simple UI element to show framerate, useful in builds
  26. GridSystem: Split the world in a Grid, place any data you want in any Grid Position, extremely versatile
  27. GridSystemHex: Split the world in a Grid with Hexagonal shapes, place any data you want in any Grid Position, extremely versatile
  28. GridSystemXY: Split the world in a Grid oriented in XY, place any data you want in any Grid Position, extremely versatile
  29. LookAtCamera: Utility class to make an object look at the camera, very useful for things like Health Bars
  30. TextWriter: Text Writing effect, simple and easy to use
  31. Tooltip: Show Tooltip to give the player extra information
  32. ChatBubble: Spawn a nice Chat Bubble to display some message with an icon
  33. ChatBubble3D: Spawn a nice Chat Bubble to display some message with an icon, in 3D
  34. TopDownCharacterController: Simple Character Controller from a Top Down Perspective (no gravity)
  35. TopDownCharacterController3D: Simple Character Controller 3D in Top Down perspective (no gravity)
  36. KeyDoorSystem: System for managing Keys and Doors.
  37. Templates: Great for single-use elements so you don't clutter your project files with tons of single-use prefabs
  38. ResetUIRectTransform: Simple utility script to reset a UI position to 0,0 and full scale by default
  39. BlockerUI: Simple visual meant for blocking UI clicks
  40. MonoBehaviourHooks: Simple utility class that allows you to attach Action Delegates to all the MonoBehaviour functions
  41. PointerHooks: Simple utility class that allows you to attach Action Delegates to all the IPointer functions

Created with AI

Some icons partly drawn with AI

Code Monkey Toolkit

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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License type
File size
6.5 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Mar 19, 2025
Original Unity version
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