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The way the transform inspector should have looked by default.
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Better transform is the way the transform inspector should have looked by default.

Just import and enjoy.

It is a no-setup custom editor asset to improve the development experience with more control.


The full feature list can be found here.

Here is a summary,

โœ… Real-World Size:

By default, you have to use Unity's scale system to organize and fit objects in the scene. Which is basically guessing how big/small an object should be. This often results in objects looking disproportional.

With Better Transform, you can see and modify the actual size of the object from the inspector, not just the scale.

โ†’ This size calculation can be done for just the object or the combined size of every child object under the selected object.

โ†’ Work in any type of unit. Easily add/remove a unit of your choice.

โ†’ See the size in scene view with a gizmo, which is fully customizable.

โœ… Notes

You can write quick notes about an object. There is no need to add an extra component and clutter your inspector for this to work. The notes have three different styles. Unlike other style settings, this is not shared across everything else. Meaning, for example, you can have a big eye-catching note with a colorful background for the game manager script and a normal note for others.

โœ… Global & Local space

Switch between global and local transform in the inspector with a single click just like the scene view.

โœ… Quick Actions

Quick action buttons to copy, paste, and reset fields for a faster development experience.

โœ… Parent & Child Transform

You can also see and modify the transforms of child/parent objects at a glance from the inspector.

โœ… Prefab notes

You can write quick notes about a prefab. This is designed to be used for short reminders without getting in the way of normal usage. These notes will show up if you hover over the little notes text on the inspector.

โœ… Built with UI Toolkit

It was created using Unity's new UI framework for the fastest and most comfortable user experience.

โœ… Adaptive and modern inspector

The asset provides a more user-friendly and intuitive representation of properties in the transform inspector. The adaptive editor will adjust according to the width of the inspector for the best possible experience.

If you ever feel like too much information is cluttering everything, easily hide what you don't need.

You can also modify the color of the inspector.


Need help or have any questions? Contact support: ferdowsurasif@gmail.com (mailto link)

โญ Some other assets that might interest you

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โ†’ Modular To-do lists - The ultimate offline unity project management asset.

โ†’ 3D Icons Mega Pack - A collection of 3D Icons perfect for your 3D in-game UI.

Technical details

โš  Known Limitations โš 

The asset overrides the default inspector. So, if you are using another asset that overrides it, this asset might not work.

Better Transform - Size, Notes, Global-Local workspace & child parent transform

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Mar 9, 2025
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Better Transform - Size, Notes, Global-Local workspace & child parent transform