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Automate the boring stuff!

BatchProcessor will do all the tedious tasks for you from now on, so you can focus on the important things!

It's flexible, extensible and easy to use!

Easily automate assigning and changing values, renaming objects, adding and removing components, positioning elements, and much much more!

All of the following examples can be achieved in under a minute with the power of BatchProcessor at your hands:

• You have a list of 158 items and need to assign a unique integer value to every id field? - Done in 30 seconds!

• Find all objects that have a sphere collider attached and rename and number them (Sphere 1, Sphere 2, ... Sphere 100) - Quickly done!

• You Have a huge interface and need to make all red-ish UGUI Texts 10% more transparent? - Done in under a minute!

• Find all objects in your scene that have "Collumn" in their name and arrange them in a circle? - Easily done! (You can even use Regular Expressions in your search!)

• Find all enemies beyond a certain x position, rotate them around their local y axis by 45 deg and set their state to waiting. - Piece of Cake.

Nice, isn't it?
And the best part is that BatchProcessor works with a lot of stuff! Through the magic of Reflection BatchProcessor even works with your custom scripts!
And did we mention it's highly customizable? Even comes with a menu option that creates a template processor for you to customize. If you miss anything - write us a mail! We're only getting started!

Go on, watch the video and see how BatchProcessor can make your life easier as well!


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File size
373.0 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 30, 2019
Original Unity version
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