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* Supports >Unity 5.1, 2017.x, 2018.x, 2019.x, 2020.x, and 2021.x .
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WorldComposer is a tool to extract heightmap data and satellite images from the real world. It uses Bing maps, like in the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

WorldComposer can create terrains by itself, but the exported heightmaps (e.g. as stamps) and satellite images can also be used in other terrain tools like TerrainComposer 2, Gaia, WorldMachine, MapMapic, WorldCreator, etc.

Its powerful features let you create high resolution AAA quality real world terrain with a few clicks.

For a quick overview of the main features I recommend to watch the
WorldComposer trailer.

I created a shadow removal algorithm inside WorldComposer which can make the exported satellite images shadow free. Shadows in imagery are problematic and removing them makes a huge difference in terrain rendering quality. Instead of having a fixed sun position to fit with the satellite image shadows, you can have Day and Night Cycles.

Tutorial video's:
* Getting started.
* Huge multi-resolution terrains (like in the showcase videos).
* Shadow removal.

* Multi-terrain tile support.
* Elevation Heightmaps resolution of max 10 meter per pixel.
* Satellite images resolution of max 0.25 meter per pixel. Jpg/png/raw format supported.
* Content aware fill to remove shadows (for Day&Night Cycles), water, snow, etc. from combined raw images.
* Create huge multi-resolution terrains with different layers of detail. * Combine raw images to 1 big raw image. E.g. for editing in Photoshop.
* Split combined raw file into tiled images.
* Create terrains directly from exported areas with a click of a button.
* 3 different satellite images types, Aerial, Aerial with labels and roads.
* Worldwide coverage.
* Convert ArcInfo ASCII heightmaps to 16 bit raw grey scale heightmaps.
* Create unlimited regions and areas and export any heightmap size or amount of image tiles.
* Export multiple areas at once.
* Scroll interface like Google maps.
* WorldComposer and Unity stay interactive while exporting.
* Exported heightmaps and satellite images can be used in TerrainComposer2.
* Works with RTPv3 and Horizon[On] (Optional).

World Composer

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Latest release date
Feb 24, 2022
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