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Must-have asset
6 days ago
Jesper-Nielsen이전 버전
I really enjoy this asset! Had it in my library for ages but didn't use it because I was worried about the learning curve, but it really didn't take long to learn using the video tutorial
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퍼블리셔 답변:
2 days ago에 답변됨
Pack is super easy to learn and use:)
Great Product - Constructive Criticism
a month ago
Andrew_D이전 버전
This is a great product. Hands down. If you want turn-key rivers with an easy learning curve, R.A.M. is your Huckleberry. Edited: Gave full 5 stars for a prompt developer response. The purpose of writing this review is to leave constructive criticism regarding the way splines are handled. The splines are not Unity's normal splines, they are splines that NM made themselves, possibly before there was good spline support inside of Unity? (which is cool) My terrain creation detailing, and texturing workflow relies on splines. I am having to create 2 sets of splines, The normal Unity ones, and then this custom R.A.M. set. This creates a significant work overhead, as it's not simply doubling the work, but I have to meticulously hand match the splines sets by hand. I will say that the RAM splines are not as user friendly, and though I have not done significant digging, I suspect that they are more difficult to access with scripts in order to write custom tooling or productivity hacks. (Correction: Developer did mention below that this is possible through the API, Awesome!) I would recommend that the developer make the next version of this to use Unity's built in splines. Having said all that, R.A.M. is a great product. I have derived much value from it.
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퍼블리셔 답변:
a month ago에 답변됨
Unity splines are still bugged and generate problems that Unity didn't solve. Our solution has a lot more features than Unity splines can handle at the moment. R.A.M in the upcoming new version is much more effective, faster, and user-friendly. You can try it in L.V.E 2023 at the moment. Not 100% features are there as we really build more features for new release. Btw you have our API there which help you to call functions at your own scripts.
Good Asset.
3 months ago
unity_8p6oRXXqiWbRTQ이전 버전
Certainly does what its advertised to do. The Only Problem i Have is that it is bloated. I dont want to dowload 1.7gb of data just for a water shader. Include the demo scenes optionaly, then I will give 5 Stars
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퍼블리셔 답변:
3 months ago에 답변됨
Hi! You have ground textures there. They take disc space.
beautiful water quality
4 months ago
asiertroiti이전 버전
The animated shaders of the rivers, the textures and the options that you can touch on them mean that you can give your game a good realistic touch, I would love to see an updated version of this asset as you have already done with the L.V.E 2023 asset. This is already my fantasy, but I would like that in a future new R.A.M assert, underwater effect and water wave physics would be added and since R.A.M 2019 has a sea material/shader, it could be possible to create an ocean or sea with R.A.M would be easier and would not consume so much when creating it, since in my case when making a huge lake with this shader to simulate a sea, I cannot create it because Unity being so large ends up giving me an error or lags ...
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퍼블리셔 답변:
4 months ago에 답변됨
Yes, 2023 will have underwater and complex physics, ocean shaders. In actually R.A.M 2019 you can create an ocean by quads/planes with the black vertex color or a very big lake with low resolution, so you don't need to wait until it recalculates shape when you modify it. You can increase the resolution at the end. It depends on how big it should be. With the 2023 version of L.V.E you can create a huge lake and tasseled it near the camera as it has dynamic LOD system. I hope this helps;)
Easy to use, looks great
5 months ago
JormungandrS이전 버전
I had no problems getting going with this in HDRP 2022.3.7f1. Works great out of the box and adds in more character to your world
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퍼블리셔 답변:
5 months ago에 답변됨
Thanks! We keep assets up :)
Super and universal
6 months ago
Imogames이전 버전
I'm still a beginner and I have to be very careful about what tools and how I pair them. I use Playmaker next to them. I am currently working in Unity 2022.3.12f1 and it works fine for me. You follow the instructions in the settings and it comes to life. Of course you have to get used to handling it, but after that it's great. Thank you. (Én még kezdő vagyok, és nagyon óvatosnak kell lennem, hogy milyen eszközökkel és hogyan párosítom. Mellettük a Playmakert használom. Jelenleg a Unity 2022.3.12f1-ben dolgozom és nekem jól működik. Követed a leírtakat a beállításoknál és életre kel. Természetesen össze kell barátkozni a kezelésével, de utána szuper. Köszönöm.)
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퍼블리셔 답변:
6 months ago에 답변됨
Works great
6 months ago
SecretStudio이전 버전
Great water asset
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퍼블리셔 답변:
6 months ago에 답변됨
No waterfall ?
7 months ago
stigmamax이전 버전
is it possible to do a waterfall? I haven't found any tutorial on the subject or in the docs.
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퍼블리셔 답변:
7 months ago에 답변됨
Yes It's automatic when you just put a spline object at the scene and it has any slope. 2nd video at asset is a tutorial and for example, you have the first waterfall in 3:33 6th video is speed level design when I play with it at HD RP scene and also with waterfall.
Almost perfect.
10 months ago
skonvolt이전 버전
Used for a crossroad between a road and a river, i am a Maya particle designer, so is not my job nor my field, is not as easy to use as they say, took 20 hours to actually understand enough to use it, but when i did, took 35 mins to build a scene that would otherwise take 20 hours to do. Building a game about 4 devs that need to reach the shop to buy a NAS to connect it in Lan, booooring....
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퍼블리셔 답변:
10 months ago에 답변됨
It's pretty complex system but it offer alot:) Thanks!
Works out very nice.
10 months ago
zzmmorgan이전 버전
I have barely scratched the surface but so far I've had great luck in getting some awesome water in my scenes. The movement in rivers, lakes, even seas looks great. Once I get the splines settled I waterfalls are really cool. I will definitely be upgrading to the 2023 version when it comes out as that looks to add more stuff. Meanwhile as I get this figured out (especially splines) I will be playing with LVE and review it separately.....
이 리뷰가 도움이 되었나요?
퍼블리셔 답변:
10 months ago에 답변됨
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